
Ken Adachi #conspiracy #crackpot educate-yourself.org

Brice Taylor is the pseudonym for Susan Ford, one of the highest level MK Ultra mind controlled victims to ever come forward and reveal her story. It took her nearly 13 years to recover the memories of the events that she reveals in her book, Thanks for The Memories (published in May 1999). Her memories began to return in sporadic fragments in1985, following a car accident that threw her through the windshield of her car after hitting a tree. It wasn't really an accident as much as a result of mind control programming which compelled her to commit suicide if she began to recover critical memories about her role as a top level NASA/CIA mind controlled 'asset' who was used as a sex slave and message (or drug) courier for every president from Kennedy to Clinton and was Henry Kissinger's personal secretary/human computer (file storage and retrieval) for over 19 years. Her 'owner/handler' was comedian Bob Hope and she was 'loaned out' to many famous and well known entertainment personalities in order to oblige them to be beholding to and manipulated by Hope and his Illuminati pals so they could be used as "worker bees' to help usher in the Luciferian, New World Order. Her book is probably the most revealing account to date of well known, national personalities in both politics and the entertainment industry who are involved in the handling, programming, control, manipulation, and abuse of Illuminati/government created human robots like Brice or other, well known celebrity/mind control victims such as Barbara Striesand and Barbara Mandrel. The book's Table of Contents alone will give you an idea of the incredible number of nationally known names that Brice had been involved with from childhood into adulthood as a mind controlled slave. In my opinion, Thanks for The Memories and the two co-authored Illuminati Formula books of Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeir (see below) are the three most important and revealing books in print on the subject of Illuminati mind control and should be read by every concerned and thinking human being on this planet, for they reveal how the Illuminati mind control programs are accomplished and how they can be broken, allowing the victim to escape from its control.

I encourage you to examine the remarkable book review of Thanks for The Memories written by Uri Dowbenko at this link: http://educate-yourself.org/mc/nwomcbturireview.shtml ). It's truly ironic and a perfect example of karmic justice when the total recall of a mind control victim whose brain stem was scarred in order to produce a photographic memory, is now turned back on her abusers to reveal in the most exquisite and precise detail their despicable and monstrous conduct. Thanks for The Memories is a well written book that gives you a front row seat into the real world activities of the Secret Government- the 'government' that's really in charge behind the scenes (those scenes being created by the mainstream Media Propaganda Ministry whose job is to deceive you into thinking that the headline news, 'cover story' government is the real deal; believe me, it isn't. It's an illusion from top to bottom.

Gregory Reid #fundie educate-yourself.org

Many of you have never heard of the name Lauren Stratford. She was a war hero of a bloody battle a decade ago, a soldier dedicated to saving victims of satanic ritual abuse. No one suffered more. No one suffered braver. No one suffered better.

In the early 1990's, our national network of law enforcement, probation, therapeutic and pastoral workers were working 24/7 in the war against satanic crime and the occult. We had burned a significant trail and saw no defeat in sight. Then, a soldier fell. She was not hit by enemy fire. She was felled by our own butchering, journalistic wolves in sheep's clothing - Cornerstone Magazine, Jon Trott, Bob and Gretchen Passantino. With one article, they fairly destroyed her ministry and her life. But not completely. The test of a real Christian is how they react to evil, malicious, ungodly attacks on their character, motives and faith.

In this, no Christian I have ever met stood the test better. Despite the unbelievably evil attacks on her, she never stopped loving God, nor lost faith in Jesus, nor stopped ministering to the hurting.

Lauren's book Satan's Underground was a major blow to the powers of darkness. Her testimony of child abuse and satanic crime was an astonishing message of the power of God's love to heal. It was a book she was reluctant to write. It was destined to be read by pastors and survivors worldwide. Soon she became a reluctant spokesperson for victims everywhere. But she used each opportunity, interview and talk show to tell people about her beloved Savior.

Michael Relfe #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

Change The Quantum Matrix in your home

Important note: When praying to change the quantum matrix, all members of a family should be holding hands or be in physical contact with one another. The head of the household prays and the other members should pray in agreement.

Father in heaven, In the name of The Lord Jesus Christ I ask you to change the quantum matrix in this sealed off house, and within striking distance of this sealed off house across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all time lines, all universes, all frequency domains, across all bubbles in the omniverse, across all planes of existence and across all the quantum matrix so that:

The enemy’s jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine jump gate technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine time travel technology will not function in this sealed off house.

The enemy’s transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s living machine transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.
The enemy’s fractal living machine transporter technology will not function in this sealed off house.

Michael Relfe #fundie educate-yourself.org

How You Can Prevent Alien and Military Abductions

1. Ask God to send angelic protection for the house that we were living in and to seal it off from the attacks of the enemy.

“Heavenly Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you in Jesus name to please send hundreds, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of billions of legions of angels to surround and encamp around this house and within striking distance of this house and set up angelic shields, protective devices, impenetrable force fields and angels to seal this house off from creation.

In Jesus name Father I ask you to send angels to bind up all the free demons trapped inside this house when the shield is closed and to send them to where you want them to go, in Jesus name.

In Jesus name Father I ask you to break, destroy, cut, dissolve, and sever every line of remote viewing, energy drain, energy supply, remote influence, command and control and surveillance that the enemy would try to put through this shield. In Jesus name, Father I ask you to make this shield impregnable to all the attacks of the enemy”.

Miss CM Ross #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

I am in complete agreement with you and complete disagreement with Diane Harvey on the subject of why chemtrails exist. Having studied population control issues for 11 years now, I think that there is a commitment by international leadership to dramatically lower the population by whatever means at their disposal. Fluoride, abortion, aspartame, birth control, vaccines, etc. are not enough. Former US Secretary of State Robert Mcnamara said as much in an explosive interview in "Paris Match" several years ago. Here is another of his quotes on it from 1979:

"There are only 2 possible ways a world of 10 Billion people can be averted. Either the current Birth rates must come down more quickly or current death rates must go up. There is no other way. There are of course many ways in which the death rates can go up. In a thermonuclear age, Wars can accomplish it very quickly and decisively. Famine and disease are nature's ancient check on population growth and neither one has disappeared from the scene. To put it simply: Excessive population growth is the greatest obstacle to the economic and social advancement of most societies of the developing world." [emphasis added] (Robert Mcnamara, October 2, 1979). http://www.africa2000.com/INDX/tukur.html

It is too bad that Mcnamara did not notice that the densest part of the USA is Manhattan at rush hour, where the people are, for the most part, rich and well-fed; and that New Jersey, which is much more densely populated than Red China, also has a much higher income than Red China. My point: it's having more people that makes a wealthier population, not fewer of them.

By Clifford E Carnicom #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

A meeting has taken place recently between an investigative researcher and a well placed military source. The identity of both parties is to be protected. The source has intimate knowledge of at least one aspect of the aerosol operations, and asserts the following:

1. The operation is a joint project between the Pentagon and the pharmaceutical industry.

2. The Pentagon wishes to test biological diseases for war purposes on unsuspecting populations. It was stated that SARS is a failure as the expected rate of mortality was intended to be 80%.

3. The pharmaceutical industry is making trillions on medications designed to treat both fatal and non-fatal diseases given to populations.

4. The bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and then placed on fine filaments for release.

5. The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply.

6. Most countries being sprayed are unaware of the activities and they have not consented to the activities. He states that commercial aircraft flying are one of the delivery systems.

7. Most of the "players" are old friends and business partners of the senior Bush.

8. The ultimate goal is the control of all populations through directed and accurate spraying of drugs, diseases, etc.

9. People who have tried to reveal the truth have been imprisoned and killed.

10. This is the most dangerous and dark time that I have experienced in all of my years of serving this country.

This information is relayed without qualification, as I am knowledgeable in the level of integrity of the researcher that has made this information available to the public. There is both risk and restraint that has been exercised in the preparation of this statement.

Ken Adachi #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

I've done a number of radio interviews with Don Nicoloff on the subject of chemtrails and Sylphs. The three radio show listed here will give you a good idea on the overall agenda of chemtrail spraying and how they are mitigated throuigh the use of orgone generators and focused intent. Air elemental beings identified by the ancient Greeks (& Paracelsus) as Sylphs are stimulated and energized by orgone generators and will literally vacumn up and transmute chemtrails into harmless substances. I realize this is hard to believe by the average person who is unaware of these etheric beings, but the evidence can be seen right over your head if you know what to look for...

Franz Erdl #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

[From the first of a four-part essay titledThe Alien Influence on Humanity”]

The abductions are usually carried out by the so-called greys. However, the hypnosis-sessions opened that the greys are only underlings and executing organs of the Draconians (Dracs) and the reptoid lizards (Reptos), who probably came from the system Alpha Draconis. This is not so important. However, important is the realization, that a fake memory (Screen-memory) was implanted to the abductees about their abduction. These implanted memories consist of the general statement that the aliens want to help the people, that they want to improve the astral and physical body of the abductees and prepare them for any particular tasks and that all interventions are good for the abductee.

When through intensive hypnosis-work the Screen-memory could be broken, reptilians and dracs showed up with their actual intents: To abuse the abductees, to traumatize and to manipulate, in order to be able to use them for their main purpose: to subjugate mankind. The articles of James Bartley show an alarming picture of the dimensions of the reptilian-draconian influence over life and consciousness of mankind. But even if one will feel bad at the first moment, it is better to know how the trap looks, in which one sits, than to ignore it.

My wife and I have a quite particular relationship to the articles of James Bartley. We do not have any memories of being abducted, but we have intensively suffered from the reptilian influences. At that time we didn't yet know what kind of beings they were. The Reptos wanted to destroy our relationship, put stones into our ways and our projects, prevented any success, and surrounded us with manipulated people. Thanks to our sensitive abilities, we were able to notice that the whole thing was a large-scale action, controlled from the astral dimension. In one situation, an unknown helping influence moved my astral body into a subterranean supervision-headquarter for some seconds, that finally convinced me about the existence of a large-scale manipulation system.

Michael Boggs #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

Today I discovered The Skeptic's Dictionary Online! http://www.skepdic.com/contents.html

When I started reading a few "topics" on Skeptic's Dictionary, I instantly knew that this website was much more than it appeared to be! The site has a lot of information regarding just about anything one can imagine.

Skeptic Dictionary website was government created to hide truths regarding topics on their site.

I am not endorsing their site in any way. But it is definitely worth checking out. It is a wealth of information. Just remember when they say .. "YES" it really means "NO" and "NO" means "YES".

Educate- Yourself.org #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

You'll also notice that the marks on Obama's knees, which in the smaller black and white photo look like ordinary scrap marks typical of a kid of his age, now stand out more clearly and they somehow look "odd".

With the color added, you also notice the strange bumpiness of his hands that stand out more sharply. When I enlarge and crop these areas in the photos seen below, you will see very distinct images of etheric entities: some alien-looking, some human-like, and and others animal-like. The "bumpiness" of his hands, when enlarged, reveal the tell-tale reptilian feature of scale-like appearance to the skin. And within that scaly skin appearance are images of reptilian entities

Ken #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

The scare story about turning the skin blue or gray refers to a rare conditon called ARGYRIA.

It can't happen with CS made by electrolysis because you just have plain silver atoms, not molecules. There is another type of product called "colloidal silver' that contains silver bound to a protein and is correctly called Colloidal Silver Protein (CSP). THAT type of 'colloidal silver' could 'possibly' produce Argyria, but you would have to take a lot of it for many years and even then, very few people get it anyway. It's really quite rare. There has been a huge PROPAGANDA and DISINFORMATION campaign going on since the mid 1990's -orchestrted by the drug companies and their stooges- to scare people away from using CS by using the exaggerated and misdirected Argyria scare story.

There is nothing toxic about CS. A test was conducted some years ago (reported in our book, Silver, The Forgotten Antibiotic), in which lab mice were given only plain water to such an extent that they eventually died from excessive water loading. The mice who were given only colloidal silver, lasted an average of 17 days longer when forced fee the same amount of CS. In other words, that test proved that CS is less toxic THAN PLAIN WATER.

Ken #conspiracy educate-yourself.org

Well, the first thing to note is that the story is posted on CNN, owned and managed by billionaire Ted Turner, an Illuminati insider and One World Government advocate/promoter. He's a Bilderberger team player all the way and CNN is a major propaganda organ of the Illuminati. The SAME CNN that brought us the Rosemary Jacobs story around 1997, or perhaps 1996-can't remember exactly.

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