Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon
Exopolitics at ExoUniversity
The Courses
The 2013 Academic year at ExoUniversity featured explorations into topics both numerous and adventurous:
Exobiology: The Science of Universal Life: Is life an epiphenomenon of matter? “A study linking the cosmological with the nanobiological.”
Energy Medicine: Understand and master the fundamentals of energy healing including “development of practical skills in energy healing.”
Time Travel and Teleportation: Project Pegasus sent reported chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago “backward in time via chronovisor” to view historical events as well as the future.
The CIA Mars Jump Room: “US chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago discusses the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the 1980’s.”
Exopolitics: The Science of Relations among Intelligent Civilizations in the Multiverse: Integrating empirical data from “intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations and intelligent civilizations of souls in the Inter-life.”
The Extra-terrestrial/Political Perspective: “The German Flying Saucer Mystery” commences a “broad historical and theological view of the UFO phenomenon.”
Divine Feminine: Cosmic Gaia-Sophia ~ Our Hidden History and Alchemy into Ascension: “The hidden Mars agenda, Trans-humanism, Geo-engineering, Grey Alien technologies and Chemtrails.”
OUR MISSION: Multi-Dimensional is described as “an online educational entity whose goal is to provide leading-edge web-based interactive continuing education, research, information, and policy regarding ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics to individuals throughout the world, and to help foster a new multi-dimensional economy in the application of these disciplines.”
A Jan. 15, 2013 special to CNN stated the cost of education in terms of how access to “most” MOOCs involves fees of a “few hundred dollars” per class. makes access to online video classes “the cost of a latte: $4.95 per 60 – 90 minute class.”