angryxtian #fundie
What’s so wrong with inequalty? You love evolution so much, why don’t the poore just evolve some money?
What’s so wrong with inequalty? You love evolution so much, why don’t the poore just evolve some money?
If There Was A Global Warming, The poor cuntries should have to fix it anyway. It doesnt effect us so its not are problem so we have no intrest to fixing it. Its countries like Indonesia and Pakistan and Bolivia all the libral environmentals are threatning so those places should worry about it or ignore the nutjobs and they should leave us alone. Its not are problem.
But global warming is just a hoax. We al know that. Its for politics and libral shame guilt and its for hurting industrys the librals dont like. The scientsts debate it all the time but theres no agrement at all. They used to say the industrys were causing a ice age back in 1970s and now they say its getting to hot. Sure seems like its cold in a lot of places from what I heard. All those valcanoes have more polution every year than the hole 6,000 years weve been around.
Bunch of Godless heathens over there, probably from being so closed to Europe.
Zodiac astrology is the kind of thing evolution agenda people beleve in. This is why they have personality tests in scientology.
There are so many ways for Americans to turn there back on Jesus. Its fortune telling and astronomy that people are talking about a lot lately. I don’t no why eveybody wants to live in a place of sin and a culter of death. Its becaus they want us to be politicly correct and tolerate al kinds of sinners. Thats why God destroyed Saddam and Gomorrah. And we dont want to provoke God to do it again.