
Magenta Pixie #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy magentapixie.com

In this transmission from the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, Magenta Pixie brings forward information specific to utilising the Rose Gold Flame as antidote to 5G, EMFs, chemicals and similar. The presented template utilises the Schumann resonance and the technique is Alchemical Unification. The Nine discuss synchronicity, discernment skills and understanding of discordance within truth communities. They present a workable model of expression, assisting the spiritual explorer in creating a necessary toolkit. This allows the individual to construct a 'shield' bringing safety, harmony, expansion and cohesive sovereignty into their own personal reality.

Magenta Pixie is a channel for the higher dimensional, divine intelligence known as 'The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine'.
The transmissions she receives from 'The Nine' have reached thousands of people worldwide via the extensive video collection on her YouTube channel. She has worked with people from all over the world as an intuitive consultant and ascension/consciousness coach.
Magenta lives in the New Forest, United Kingdom.

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