
Paul Dudley #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia puretruth407214157.wordpress.com

We’ve seen throughout this series and throughout these blogs in general – I don’t think one has been untouched by the hidden hand of freemasonry – that freemasonry has had a hand in influencing every aspect of our lives. In Part I we saw how freemasons were involved in the flat Earth, ‘outer space’, ‘evolution’ and ‘dinosaur’ hoaxes designed to distance man from our creator. We also saw how freemasonry has infiltrated all religions and that the very idea of the Coexist movement is based on freemasonic doctrine of accepting people of any faith as long as they believe in a god. In Part II we saw how ‘celebrities’ are, in fact, nothing but freemasonic puppet actors performing roles to further the agenda of freemasonry – which is what the agenda of the New World Order is – using the freemasonic tactic of deception to divide, deceive and distract the uninitiated masses and keep them in the dark. We also saw in Part II that these ‘elites’ are all Elite Gender Inversions based on the belief that they descend from Lucifer the androgyne and they make themselves in its image. Again, this is based on the mystery religions that form the basis of freemasonic belief. In Parts III and IV we saw how the freemasonic controlled industries of health, science, education, banking and the law courts enslave us through deceit, division and distraction (the same old tactics).

Deception lies at the heart of freemasonry and this is why it is so bizarre to see the people following those freemasonic shill groups STILL following them over six months later and almost a whole year into this ‘Covid’ psyop. It is almost as cult-like as the David Icke and Donald Trump psyops and it is all because they refuse to learn the language of the enemy and cannot seem to understand basic things – it really is that simple.

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