
revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/PJHKRGLCT3Z77 )
There is evidence of transgenderism-as-mental-health-cure-all everywhere, should one look for it. Transgender activists have a special slang term, “eggs,” to describe future trans people they desire to “hatch.” Just a few days ago one of these perverted groomers, comics author Magdalene Visaggio, posted a guide, “We Are Everywhere: A Field Guide to Clocking Terrified Transfem Eggs.” Along with things like “liking Sailor Moon a lot” and “playing video games with an opposite-sex avatar,” Visaggio’s list of transgender tells includes things like:

* “Dead, dead eye(s)”
* Not taking physical care of oneself
* Feelings of despair, anger, numbness, and disconnection
* Having no plans for five years in the future
* Lacking agency over one’s life
In other words, it’s a long list of depression symptoms. Visaggio then describes how to “hatch” eggs by presenting transgenderism as a path out of depression and suicidal ideation.

The transgender fad in America is creating horrors beyond comprehension— horrors that are ignored by the press and denied by the medical establishment. According to pro-transgender activists, sexual “detransitions” are extremely rare, and usually only a result of a transsexual encountering “transphobia” in real life. But in reality, there are already many ex-trans people. Their harrowing accounts are becoming more and more frequent—and more dreadful. Here is one from just a few days ago. And beware: it’s not for the faint of heart, or weak of stomach.


revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/PNJV_CMNZQR$5 )
Many children are now socially “transitioning” before they start first grade, and many are receiving the once-unthinkable treatment of puberty blockers. And don’t believe the lie puberty blockers are “fully reversible”—such pills can cause lower IQ, a critical loss of bone density, permanently immature and stunted sexual reproductive organs and genitalia, and lifelong sexual dysfunction; and that’s all before one undergoes a sex “reassignment” surgery. In fact, the same drug given as a “puberty blocker” to tiny little children is also used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

There is no evidence that anyone is secretly, in their brain, born the opposite sex, let alone one person out of seventy in the general population. And recently, the number of transgenders has skyrocketed. But why? A 2020 report from The London Times on GIDS, the U.K.’s top gender clinic, hints at what is really going on:

35 [GIDS staffers] have resigned in the past three years, many alarmed by the rush to medicalisation and the way Mermaids, Instagram trans influencers and the CBBC programme I Am Leo present transition as uncomplicated. They say they are seeing girls with a panoply of other issues — anxiety, depression, self-harm, undiagnosed autism, victims of homophobic bullying and sexual abuse — for whom transition to a male body was presented online as the universal panacea. Often a normal, tom-boyish disgust at their new breasts, eliciting sudden and unwanted sexual attention from men, is interpreted as a certainty that they are in the “wrong body”. Yet instead of interrogating these underlying issues, clinicians are told to “affirm” a young person’s “trans identity” and prescribe the puberty blockers that trans campaigners fiercely insist are their right.


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The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/LT2SQ8JCLWBP4 )
So, by all means, state legislatures should keep passing bills to preserve the basic dignity of women’s sports. But don’t stop there. Instead of hiding from the trans issue, raise the stakes. Define the issue in clear terms and relentlessly assault the subversive enemies of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Pass laws to fight and end the social contagion. Raise the salience of the issue relentlessly on TV and at political rallies. In short, make it impossible for the public to silently acquiesce from what is happening, and make it impossible for elites to treat this issue as a fait accompli.

As a movement, transgenderism thrives on a lack of honest information and free and open debate. To learn about transsexualism and its history is to be horrified and repulsed. John Money, the psychiatrist who coined the term “gender identity,” castrated a baby boy and raised him as a girl because he believed gender was just a construct. Male-on-female sexual assault in women’s prisons is now routine, and that in the U.K., 58.9% of male-to-female transgenders have at least one sex offense on their record, comparted to just 16.8% of the general prison population. Such simple facts as these are ubiquitous in the public record, and yet viciously suppressed by the commanding heights of academia, media, and government.

Just fifteen years ago, transgenderism was a fringe oddity. Forty years ago, it was virtually unheard-of. Yet now, recent CDC estimates claim that roughly one in every seventy American teens claims to be transgender. The percentage of transgender teens has roughly doubled since 2017. The age of “interventions” keeps dropping, too.


revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/ZZ.7SLN$.$L$G )
But at the same time, focusing so much on girl’s sports is a distraction. The worst part of the transgender mania isn’t that girls face unfair competition. The worst part of this insidious ideology is that it is an assault on the good and the true. It is a radical campaign to deny all physical, biological, and even spiritual differences between “male” and “female” which have been acknowledged and recognized in every human culture and religious tradition for all of human history. Such a bizarre and Sisyphean effort to overturn the natural order has led to such absurdities as the imposition of “preferred pronouns,” and the compulsion, under threat of economic ruin, to affirm the delusional sexual fantasies of very troubled people.

Of course, we would be remiss not to acknowledge the profound human cost of a mania, a social contagion, that is inflicting profound irreversible lifelong harms on America’s children in the pursuit of the insane lie that a man or woman can be “born in the wrong body.” The chief victims of the transgenderism explosion are not girls losing out on swimming trophies. The chief victims are the mentally vulnerable people suffering from gender dysphoria who are being “transitioned,” mutilated every which way; physically, psychologically, and spiritually, and manipulated into extreme, harmful, and irreversible life choices.

And of course, such a profound subversion of the moral order takes a psychological and spiritual toll on the rest of us who have to deal with an endless parade of demoralizing sexual propaganda in the public square, in addition to the government and corporate “civil rights” mandates and the psychological terror and intimidation campaign accompanying it.


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The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/ZYL.5N7X76RJ6 )

This fear must be banished. The Democratic campaign to abolish male and female and trannify America is something worth fighting against, and worth doing so loudly and energetically. To downplay the issue is to decide that it is politically impossible to defeat… this:

"Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says at a civil rights conference in Lansing while speaking out against what she describes as efforts to divide people. "A drag queen for every school," she adds.

For two years, the Republican Party has cried out, “Save Women’s Sports!” South Carolina passed a transgender sports ban a month ago, and Louisiana passed one in early June. Thus far, close to twenty states have passed some kind of bill intended to protect the sanctity of women’s sports. It’s easy to see why: Those bans are really popular. A new WaPo poll shows banning transgenders from girls’ sports roughly 2:1 support. Images of biologically male runners demolishing the competition, or a male swimming hulking over his hapless vanquished female rivals, are appalling and ridiculous, and thus it’s easy to mobilize the public and politicians in opposition to such absurdities.


revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
A politically damaged, barely viable President Biden has surveyed the political landscape, and, incredibly, chosen transsexualism as his field of battle. With inflation soaring, the economy collapsing, shortages ravaging America, a human invasion tsunami pouring over the border, and repeated international humiliations, Biden and his administration flunkies are declaring an all-out war effort to promote transgenderism in every corner of America.

President Biden is signing a sweeping new executive order on Wednesday that aims to protect LGBT youth from a raft of conservative state laws and address barriers they face to health care and housing. … The order aims to use the muscle of the federal government to push back on laws in states like Texas and Florida that have restricted access to health care for transgender youth and barred discussion in elementary schools about gender and sexual orientation.

The message of the president’s new order is unambiguous: absolutely zero restrictions on bombarding children with morally degenerate sexual and gender propaganda and then permanently mutilating their genitals will be tolerated in Joe Biden’s America.

Joe Biden is certainly raising the stakes on transgenderism. The million-dollar question is, will the GOP fold, let the Biden Administration win, and let every school in America become a transgenderism factory forever?

Despite what D.C. consultants might tell you, Republicans should accept Biden’s challenge. Until recently, the GOP’s response to the transgender epidemic has been fearful, tepid, and timid. Republicans fear cancellation, they fear backlash from the extreme left, and they fear a replay of the fight over gay marriage from a decade ago.


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