
Unknown Indonesian gvernment officials #fundie sott.net

Indonesia's new 'heresy app' draws fire for targeting of minorities

A new Indonesian government app that lets the public report suspected cases of religious heresy is drawing fire as rights groups warn it could aggravate persecution of minorities in the world's biggest Muslim-majority nation.

Users of the app can report groups practicing unrecognized faiths or unorthodox interpretations of Indonesia's 6 officially recognised religions, including Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism.

"Smart Pakem", which was launched Sunday, November 25, and is available for free in the Google Play store, was created by the Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, which said it would help educate the public and modernize the current reporting process.

The app will also list religious edicts and blacklisted organizations and will allow users to file complaints instantaneously, instead going through the often cumbersome process of submitting a written accusation to a government office.

"The objective...is to provide easier access to information about the spread of beliefs in Indonesia, to educate the public and to prevent them from following doctrines from an individual or a group that are not in line with the regulations," Nirwan Nawawi, a spokesman for the prosecutor's office, told AFP in a statement.

However, rights groups fear the application could be misused by increasingly powerful hardline Islamic groups and widen divisions in a country where harassment of religious and other minorities is not uncommon.

"This is going from bad to worse - another dangerous step to discriminate religious minorities in Indonesia," said Human Rights Watch researcher Andreas Harsono.

Bonar Tigor Naipospos, vice chairman of rights group Setara Institute, added: "This is dangerous because if mainstream society doesn't like (a group) they'll report them through the application - this will create problems."

Hundreds of thousands of people across the sprawling Southeast Asian archipelago who adhere to non-recognised animist and mystical faiths have long suffered discrimination and limited access to public services.

This year an angry mob rampaged through a small community of the Ahmadiyya Islamic minority on the island of Lombok, destroying homes and forcing dozens of members to flee.

The religious sect has been declared heretical by the Indonesian Ulema Counci (MUI).

Indonesia, a 17,000 island archipelago nation, is often touted for its diversity and religious tolerance, but it has a wide-ranging blasphemy law that has sparked a backlash.

Criticising religion - particularly Islam, which is followed by nearly 90% of Indonesia's 260 million citizens - can land offenders in jail.

This summer, an ethnic Chinese Buddhist was jailed for insulting Islam after asking her neighborhood mosque to lower its sound system during the daily call to prayer because she found it too loud. Her jailing was widely criticized. -

Streetcap1, Scott Waring, and others #conspiracy sott.net

[Notes from submitter: a CME is a coronal mass ejection and the comments on the article are worth looking at too.]

Is NASA's SOHO satellite capturing images of UFOs near the sun?


Online UFO hunters have once again criticized NASA over the agency's alleged silence in the face of what UFO hunters claim to be glaring evidence of a constant and heavy traffic of massive alien UFOs — motherships, cruiseships, battleships and expeditionary fleets — passing through our inner solar system close to the Sun.

UFO hunters accuse NASA of refusing to talk about frequent sightings in Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite images of the Sun uploaded to the agency's Helioviewer website, of massive objects with intricate, symmetric structures, and aerodynamic features, suggesting artificial or intelligently designed interstellar spacecraft.

The SOHO satellite — a joint project between NASA and the European Space Agency — (ESA) is stationed in space in halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 gravitational balance point from where it sends to NASA and ESA scientists on Earth near-real-time data about solar activity needed to predict space weather.

NASA has received criticism once again from UFO blogger Scott Waring, following the latest UFO sighting on NASA's Helioviewer by the avid YouTube UFO hunter Streetcap1. Streetcap1 claims to have spotted the same massive UFO in two SOHO images of the Sun snapped on March 14, 2016.

Same Object - So Not a CME NASA! [Link to YouTube]


"NASA seems to ignore all reported UFOs, even though I always tweet to them the posts I make about them all," Waring complains. "As of yet, NASA has never answered me. They ignore UFO researchers because they know they are losing and the day will come when the truth comes out."


"These are not CME's, these are not pixel malfunctions. They are spacecraft travelling past our ESA/NASA SOHO satellite camera on a regular basis at point L1," Streetcap1 argued. "Maybe the powers that be will never admit it, but surely common sense tells you that this and other constructed shapes we upload to our YouTube channels prove we are not alone."


UFO Sightings Daily's Scott Waring enthused, "Look at the detail... It is just mind blowing! Its angles have agreement in dimensions, due proportion, arrangement which all point to this being 100% made by intelligent beings."


"If you look carefully, you will see there is a geometric shape to it," Waring wrote. "This shape is impossible for any comet, meteor or natural phenomenon other than crystals. This object looks about the size of the moon, maybe a little bigger. This explains why the Helioviewer is down for... cough, cough... maintenance."

According to Waring, when he "finally got the Helioviewer to work... the UFO has been blurred so much that its outline can no longer be seen."


Joachim Hagopian #conspiracy sott.net

It didn't take long for deep state to unleash what is most likely a false flag amidst the still breaking pedo-Pizzagate scandal. In one fell swoop blaming Russia, Trump's appointed National Security Advisor retired General Michael Flynn and of course those "fake news" internet conspiracy theory websites guarantees to deliver a big payoff for deep state tyranny bent on silencing all truth from Americans. By bringing in another gun wielding stooge to execute Sunday's shooting at the Comet Ping Pong pizza joint, the epicenter of a child sex trafficking ring, all the mainstream media outlets are busily jumping on a ready-made bandwagon charging the alternative "fake newsmakers" for triggering an allegedly unstable violent wacko. For more than a month MSM has launched a witch hunt, blasting alternative news for being purveyors of only "fake news." With Sunday's gun toting incident, MSM has blamed alt-news for endangering patrons at the "much maligned" pizza parlor known as Comet Ping Pong.

Meanwhile, mainstream news has refused to report on the highly disturbing and incriminating photos and comments belonging to Comet's owner James Alefantis' Instagram account. Nor has MSM covered the sick art hanging on the walls of both Comet pizza and Tony Podesta's home. Or the encoded pedophile language used in hundreds of Hillary's campaign chairman John Podesta's emails that transparently refer to sex crimes involving underage children. Instead MSM has extensively rushed to Alefantis, the Podestas and Clintons' aid defending them as victims of alternative news' lies, reporting that Comet pizza and the rest of the businesses on the NW Washington city block that appear to work together in an international child sex trafficking ring have unfairly received hundreds of threats of - otherwise known as 9/11 - the global crime cabal matrix has relied on an ongoing series of state sponsored false flag terrorism after 9/11 launched its fake "endless war on terror" to keep the people terrified and easily controlled with Madrid's 3/11/04, London's 7/7/05, 2015's two Paris attacks, the attacks in San Bernardino, Brussels airport, and on and on it goes. Afraid that a global population is becoming increasingly aware of the cabal's demonic agenda for never-ending war and terrorism, theft-debt based slavery in a house of cards, crumbling economy, fast moving towards one world government tyranny, the cabal has struck once again with the Clinton-Podesta-Soros-Rothschild pedophile ring about to bring down the existing New World Order.violence, culminating in Sunday's attack as a direct result of alternative media's "fake news."

False flags have become increasingly predictable in today's fake world. Any time damaging truth about deep state gets exposed, like clockwork another wag the dog counter-event is staged to divert public attention away from the negative publicity exposing the dirty truth. This deceptive tactic is the classic trademark that has come to define virtually every false flag. Deep state consistently stands to gain the most by way of motive while possessing an easily accomplished means to achieve the desired orchestrated outcome through staged violence (be it with real people dying or in this case with no loss of life damage). False flag events always allow deep state and mainstream media to work in tandem to immediately generate the preplanned false narrative as their diversionary strategy to take the heat off some damaging truth that's recently been exposed by alternative media.

In this case, the unveiling of the Clintons and John and Tony Podesta's direct ties through Comet pizza and its fellow businesses on the same block running an international child sex trafficking operation is threatening to bring down the entire Bush-Clinton-Obama crime cabal and therefore had to be covered up before any further damaging news comes out. So enter another hired actor acting as another lone gunman brandishing another assault rifle putting lives at risk shooting up Comet pizza so that the "fake news" alternative media can easily be blamed for inciting the violence, proving that "fake news" is presenting a clear and present danger to public safety by causing "radicalized" conspiracy nuts to become unhinged and go off the deep end. This false flag is a three-pronged attack on alternative news, the Trump administration (through General Michael Flynn and son) before they even take office as well as targeting the demonized cold war enemy Russia for its "interfering" in the internal affairs of sovereign nation USA, once again falsely accusing Putin of doing exactly what America with its hypocritical exceptionalism constantly gets away with all over this planet.

Still reeling from its child sex trafficking ring's exposure, the diabolical establishment is clearly on the ropes, desperately pushing back with another false flag PSYOPS. Ever since the mother lode of false flags - the Project for a New American Century's "new Pearl Harbor" - otherwise known as 9/11 - the global crime cabal matrix has relied on an ongoing series of state sponsored false flag terrorism after 9/11 launched its fake "endless war on terror" to keep the people terrified and easily controlled with Madrid's 3/11/04, London's 7/7/05, 2015's two Paris attacks, the attacks in San Bernardino, Brussels airport, and on and on it goes. Afraid that a global population is becoming increasingly aware of the cabal's demonic agenda for never-ending war and terrorism, theft-debt based slavery in a house of cards, crumbling economy, fast moving towards one world government tyranny, the cabal has struck once again with the Clinton-Podesta-Soros-Rothschild pedophile ring about to bring down the existing New World Order.

Joe Vialls #conspiracy sott.net

Certain governments know that their past actions are directly responsible for causing most of the lung and skin cancers in the world today, so they go to extreme lengths in trying to deflect responsibility and thus financial liability away from themselves, and onto harmless organic tobacco instead. As we will find later in the report, humble organic tobacco has never hurt anyone, and in certain ways can justifiably claim to provide startling health protection.

Not all governments around the world share the same problem. Japan and Greece have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest incidence of lung cancer. In direct contrast to this, America, Australia, Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer. This is clue number-one in unraveling the absurd but entrenched western medical lie that "smoking causes lung cancer."

C. Young #conspiracy sott.net

This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War...

...Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved 'feelers' or 'antennae' that transmit vast amounts of important information to the brain stem, the limbic system, and the neocortex.

Not only does hair in people, including facial hair in men, provide an information highway reaching the brain, hair also emits energy, the electromagnetic energy emitted by the brain into the outer environment. This has been seen in Kirlian photography when a person is photographed with long hair and then rephotographed after the hair is cut.

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