
Mortimer #dunning-kruger #homophobia #sexist #wingnut tamenwrote.wordpress.com

In many (most/all?) countries there are more male teenage prostitutes than female teenage prostitutes. No one seems to know this, no one seems to care and no one advocates using resources to help them as opposed to the female teenage prostitutes.

A 2002 report found that 2.1% of school-aged boys and 0.6% of girls in Oslo had performed sexual favours for payment. This study from Sweden found that from a sample of 2,323 girls and 2,016 boys, 1.0% of the girls and 1.8% of the boys had sold sex. An American study done in Saint Louis found that the lifetime prevalency numbers for prostitution were 4% for men and 2% for women.

One finds a lot higher lifetime numbers for men and the other indicates a strong possibility.

As far as I understand boys and young men dominate the lower age groups and women the older age groups. This is supposedly in large part explained by homosexual men being much, much more interested in paying for sex with boys younger than about 23 and straight men not showing as strong a youth preference. However, the lifetime numbers might still come out with more men.

Another aspect is frequency. Often young mens prostitution is framed as being about fewer incidences of sale with fewer costumers. If such cases account for a large percentage of boys prostitution that lowers the impact it has. We know that many women are full time prostitutes that sell sex frequently, often several times a day.

Any thoughts or relevant studies about any of this is highly welcome. I am working on an article about it

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