
We Love Mass Meditation/Cobra #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy welovemassmeditation.com

25,000 years ago, dark forces created quarantine Earth and took humanity hostage. They created a virtual reality control system so nobody could escape. They have trapped Light beings who have a connection with the Source, to fuel this virtual creation.

This virtual reality control system is still in place to an extent and is usually referred to as the Matrix.

Implant is one of the controls that the dark forces use to maintain the Matrix. Implants are programmable crystals that were put into mental, astral and etheric bodies of every single human being on Earth with strong electronic devices. They create spacetime black hole anomaly, thus confusing human mind and emotions.

Every person incarnated on this planet has three implants as described below. Each implant holds belief systems that limit our spiritual evolution.

Two implants in the frontal lobe area (each one inside the head a little bit just above each eyebrow). It is also called vertical implant programming, which separates personality identification from the I AM presence.

Implant on the solar plexus, located about 4 centimeters (2 fingers width) above the navel. It is also called horizontal implant programming, which creates a split in female and male perception of sexual energy.

According to Cobra, the Archons were manipulating human sexual energy since the late Atlantean period, trying to create as much separation as possible. They did this by implanting women and men in a different way, creating a psychological division and split between female and male personalities. This primary split from the time of Atlantis is the main reason for misunderstandings in male-female relationships.

We Love Mass Meditation/Cobra #conspiracy #magick #crackpot welovemassmeditation.com

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In the "Planetary Initiation" post, Cobra mentioned that there are three key astrological configurations that will determine the course of events between August and the beginning of November.

One of them is Saturn conjunct Chariklo. This configuration actively suppresses Goddess energy, brings austerity and isolation.

Jesuits and Black Nobility families are using this energy to promote lockdowns in preparation for their New World Order plans:

Also, members of the Cabal are using this to create as many lockdowns as possible worldwide by artificially pumping up the number of coronavirus cases by misusing the PCR coronavirus testing:

Their plan is to use the engineered second wave lockdowns to implement a comprehensive social credit system. This would give the Cabal a tool for mass surveillance and control of individuals, corporations, and sociopolitical entities.

To counteract this, we are going to organize a mass meditation at the exact time of the Saturn-Chariklo conjunction on Monday, September 21st at 10:08 PM UTC.

Cobra/Sisterhood of the Rose #conspiracy #crackpot #magick welovemassmeditation.com

Cobra: The dark forces have initialized this pandemic a few months ago as you have said to promote dystopian New World Order society. Now the lights forces are using the situation, especially the situation of global mass quarantines, to further their plans for the Event. Actually, this quarantine situation is a great opportunity for the Light Forces to evaluate the behavior of the surface population and to create much better module models of how the surface population will react when the Event happens. So they are gathering precious, valuable intel right now which will make the Event operation much, much easier when it really happens.

Debra: Did the dark forces have any idea that when they released this virus as a bioweapon that the Light Forces might use this opportunity to do purification work on the planet in preparation for the Event?

Cobra: Their expectation was for this virus to be much more dangerous, much more lethal. They were targeting a mass pandemic scenario where I would say 5 billion people infected and 50 million people dead. This was their goal; this was phase one of their operation. And phase two would be the total collapse of surface society into a “Mad Max” scenario. This was their goal, their plan. Of course, this did not happen, and it will not happen.

Debra: Can they do anything at this point to stop the positive progress that the Light Forces are making during these quarantines?

Cobra: What is happening is this whole coronavirus pandemic situation was a surprise to a certain degree for the Light Forces. Dark forces had certain advantages few months ago when they started with this operation, but this advantage is getting less and less and less. So situation is now turning slowly but surely in the favor of the Light Forces.

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