David Icke #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy mazzastick.com
So, the questions entertained in this post are:
Is Saturn transmitting a frequency to Earth, creating a Saturn-Moon-Matrix of illusions?
Is the Moon part of this?
Can we do anything about it?
Who’s really controlling things on planet Earth and beyond?
The Reptilian Alliance’s modus
Then Reptilians genetically engineer a new species that is designed to be “tuned” into their false reality – their “Matrix” – and the planet is hijacked along with the people’s perception.
They have done precisely this to Earth and humanity, and their means of doing so are Saturn and the Moon. Saturn, the “Lord of the Rings,” is the master control center.
Saturn Hacks into the waveform information broadcast from the galaxy’s center via the Sun and transmits a fake reality into the Solar System.
The Moon amplifies this and beams it specifically at the Earth. The bizarre synchronicities between Earth, the Moon, and the Sun in size, geometry, and position are all made possible by the Moon.
These synchronicities are connected to how Saturn and the Moon hack the Sun’s information. The Moon is where it is because it was explicitly placed there.
The speed of light, which we are told is the fastest speed possible [186,000 miles per second], (rubbish) is the vibrational “wall” of the matrix.
We are not even living “on” the Earth as it is. Some of it is “original,” but many holographic implants change it for our perception. The Matrix broadcasts block humans from perceiving what we otherwise would be experiencing.
The Earth that we can’t see (or feel too often) is a place of love and harmony – not war, fear, and suffering. The predators dictate our lives and make us into slaves to them by hijacking our sense of reality.
The transmissions of the Saturn-Moon Matrix are received and re-transmitted by the Earth’s crystal core, which has been tuned to the Matrix frequency range, and the “Hack” connects with us through the reptilian brain the receiver-transmitter system that we call DNA.