@Bashibozkedi: Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Lietha's point fails right at the outset because there's nothing 'natural' about what humanity has done to the dogs.
@dxdydz: No, but then fundamentalists tend to take pride in their willful ignorance.
Here's some advice, Dan: when you try to mock something, but show in the process that you fundamentally misunderstand it, you look like a dumbass.
The one side-effect of Selective Breeding - to attain & maintain the now accepted 'Standard' - is that Bulldogs can no longer mate naturally: but only via human intervention.
So if people no longer bothered, that particular breed of dog would become extinct .
Fundie Christainity is dying out here in Europe; certainly in the developed, democratic world. Humanity is evolving indeed: certainly intellectually , Dan Lie throughyourteeth.
I agree. Poodles are pretty much on the bottom of the selection scale. If people had just left them alone they might just have stayed as wolves. But really, dogs have been bred by people for millennia. What's "natural" about that? The REAL natural selection gives us evolution.
I'm...trying to work out what exactly the point the artist is making here.
Just looking at it, evolution looks like a good deal. Like 'Hey, my species used to be fish with no arms! Now I'm a fucking dinosaur motherfuckers!'
@ #1997736
Answers in Genesis has all the wrong answers
Ken has a book full of them.
@ Old Viking
It must smart when you shoot yourself in the foot.
It may be the smartest thing he's done.
Wow. Just... wow. Once again I can only sigh and point out our desperate need for a law that makes it legal to hit people who cross a certain threshold of stupid.
@Philbert McAdamia:
Here's to hoping he "one-ups" himself with the next round, if you catch my drift.
Yeah, I'm not entirely clear on what the message is supposed to be.
Let me get at least a quart of whiskey in me and bang my head against the wall for an hour to bring my thinking to the AiG level and try again.
Funny, given how this very subject was discussed in the first freaking book in modern evolutionary thought. You know, "Origin of Species", ringing any bells?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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