Maria Maclachlan / Peak Trans #transphobia

Response to Jammidodger on men in women's spaces
(note by submitter: continued from$XNFYL_K7, Transscript starting around 2:38 and ending around 4:53 of a 6:44 minute video)
A recent example is Darren Marager, who was able to strut naked with what I believe is called a semi, through the women's area of wi-spa in Los Angeles and the staff did nothing about it, because they assumed he was trans. Samantha Lux in a video I responded to but which he has since quietly removed, said

what probably happened as a trans woman was using a woman's facilities and happened to have a penis

and he did of course turn out to be a serial sex offender, who'd been on the sex offenders register since 2006 and who has since been charged with indecent exposure because of what he did at wi-spa. I also said, that male born transgender people - I'm going to have to revise this passage because the language I used back then was far too conciliatory - I said, that trans identifying men were no MORE likely to commit crimes than other men and that nobody is trying to suggest that all transgender people are criminals. "I don't know why this accusation ever gets made by anyone" I said revealing my extreme naivety at the time. It seems patently obvious to me now, that the reason it gets said is to divert attention from the fact, that a minority of trans-identifying men are just the same as a minority of men who don't claim to be transgender and they do really horrible things, and these give the lie to the notion that trans identifying men are in some fundamental way different from any other man and that none of them are predatory. Jamie does not engage with this indisputable fact at all. On a personal level, she doesn't have to. She can carry on behaving like some guru and making to her over 900 000 cult followers - sorry subscribers - assertions that she makes no attempt to support. The abuse of women and children by members of her tribe is no skin off her nose.

and are just being used as a scapegoat by transphobes

scapegoat for what exactly? a scapegoat is when you let someone take the blame for what other people have done.



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