various commenters #transphobia

RE: If men collectively refute gender ideology, all the madness will stop today

( shewolfoffrance )
I've thought for a long time that gender woo won't be defeated, partially or in full, until men are forced to care. I think the most likely win would come from fathers deciding that they don't want horny men and boys who claim to have ladybrain showering with their daughters.

I think most men are fundamentally incapable of caring about anyone who isn't personally attached to them. When Jordan Peterson spoke out against Bill C-16, his main concern was freedom of speech; not women and children's safety, privacy, and dignity. When Matt Walsh made What Is a Woman, one of his primary motives was "because I care about truth."

Freedom of speech and truth are both extremely important. But Peterson and Walsh, probably two of the most recognizable names in anti-gender ideology discourse, were more motivated by esoteric principles than women's and children's safety and health.

It's a luxury that only men have. Women have been yelling from the rooftops for decades now that letting the penis-havers into female-only spaces will result in rape and abuse. That's apparently not enough to make males, who hold the majority of government and financial power, care.

( drdeeisback )
'that they don't want horny men and boys who claim to have ladybrain showering with their daughters' OTOH they don't want to preclude the chance that they can shower with other men's daughters.

( MiMi2013 )
That's part of the problem : Non trans people STILL are convinced that all trans woMEN are Sad Gay Men, who are ashamed of wanting other men to fuck them, have all had GRS, and pose no threat to women and girls whatsoever. Whether the HSTSs ever were harmless is an entirely different issue, but today's AGP transbians seem to make up the bulk of trans woMEN, and they most definitely are a threat, as they keep proving over and over and over and...Jazz Jennings aside, most trans woMEN do NOT have the slightest interest in those male commenters at all; it's irrelevant to them if MEN say they won't date trnswoMEN.

( WatcherattheGates )
They say no to having sex with them personally. But bros before hos--they will not say no to other men violating women's boundaries. It's patriarchy in a dress, that's all.



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