ProxyMusic #transphobia

RE: "You have to suffer on my behalf"

By promoting the narrative that since TIPs suffer more than any other, to make them suffer any more would be a cruelty so great, other people must start suffering on their behalf to protect them from any more suffering.

One way to stop this narrative in its tracks is to question the starting premise, meaning the belief that "TIPs suffer more than any other." Since you didn't preface that phrase with "allegedly" or "supposedly," I dunno if you yourself actually belief this premise, OP. I suspect and hope you don't. I sure don't.

I believe the idea that "TIPs suffer more than any other" to be a totally false premise. I see no evidence that TIPs "suffer more than any other" group of people in any way - psychologically, emotionally, socially, economically, physically, whatever. In fact, prior to messing with their health, many TIPs seem to have been lucky enough to have been born and gone through life in excellent physical health and not to have experienced any physical suffering - and many have grown up with considerable privilege in terms of their sex, race, class, access to education, athletic prowess, achievements and awards, and so on. Big strapping, well-off white guys with massive, robustly healthy male bodies so exceptionally physically fit and athletically talented that they became big time HS and college sports stars like Lia Thomas, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner, Laurel Hubbard, Richard Raskin/Renee Richards, for example - how exactly do guys like this qualify as most long-suffering, most deeply suffering and "most vulnerable" people on planet earth?

I find it ridiculous that in recent years, so many people have come to take it for granted that "gender dysphoria" is the worst affliction human beings have experienced evuh in the course of history, and that it causes far more profound and painful suffering that any other mental illness, physical disease or injury, or unfortunate twist of fate that makes life hard to bear. [...]



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