kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

"Conversion therapy"??

What in the world is this? I never heard of it till yesterday in those articles I posted here. You learn something new every day, my mother used to say. But I highly doubt she would have understood, or liked, this term either.

Apparently, “conversion therapy” is a derogative term describing what Christians use on LGBTQs to get them to change their lifestyle (deathstyle) and become Christians. They say it causes them to hate themselves and have severe bouts of depression, even some committing suicide. So they coined this term to describe Bible believers who in reality care for homosexuals’ eternal souls and don’t want them to die in their sins and go to Hell.

So I have a question. Which do you believe? The LGBTQs side, which is nothing but demonic LIES and political propaganda to further drag (no pun intended) our dying nation to Hell, or the truth? Am I a “conversion therapist” because I care about your soul? Am I one because I know that God hates your despicable sin of homosexuality (God does NOT hate homosexuals) and I pray for you to get saved so you won’t have to endure His wrath? Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? (Galatians 4:16)

What next? You’re going to put me behind bars because I speak the truth from God’s Word, which cannot be broken? So you can continue in and further push your vile, filthy, health-destroying sin of sodomy and rape of little kids? And they aren’t supposed to worry about the consequences, just be politically correct and all will be well?? Let me say this, you reprobates. You will be held individually responsible for YOUR actions while you live in this world. YOU will be held severely accountable by God in the end. Furthermore, you have been warned.

“As we previously reported, so-called “conversion therapy” is under relentless attack not just in California but all across the country as LGBTQ activists push to eliminate the freedom of faith-based counselors and therapists to help people who don’t actually want to be LGBTQs.”

Out of their own mouths they condemn themselves in their own vile description of this insanity. They hate God so much that they twist young minds to convince them that being LGBTQ is commendable and profitable. They call us “counselors” and “therapists,” (e.g. “conversion therapists”), but we’re in fact SOULWINNERS. Ever hear of that term, Mr. Mannoia? Therapy is supposed to be a good thing, but these devil worshippers of course make it sound bad to make themselves look good.

So let me get this straight. You charge Christians with a hate crime, accusing us of being unloving toward potential LGBTQs (in other words, they’re thinking about becoming gay, e.g. “come out of the closet,” OR the other way around, such as someone who IS LGBTQ and heard the Gospel and thinks they’re horrible because now they’ll be ridiculed and stigmatized for life). Am I getting it right? So you throw us Bible believers under the bus and blame our “faith-based counseling” (SOULWINNING) for the tragedy of someone who can’t decide if they’re a boy or a girl? And it’s YOUR VILE SIN DEATHSTYLE SICKO AGENDA that got them thinking that way in the first place? Who’s kidding who? That’s insanity at its worst!! That’s spitting in God’s face!! These are CHILDREN we’re speaking of!! Am I getting through to ANYONE??

We live in a sick world, and the only cure is the Lord JESUS CHRIST.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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