Dr. Alim el Bey #conspiracy #racist #crackpot #magick dralimelbey.com

Look at the movie DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, it shows the white [pale] man as the Devil. Don't trip. I didn't write the f-cking movie script. "WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY" still got the word Black as meaning, a wicked person or devil and some are (Black Devils...Dr. Richard King in "AFRICAN BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY" and "MELANIN, THE KEY TO FREEDOM" states, "60 to 80 Europeans have calcified Pineal Glands (Third Eye Blind); 20 to 35 Asians and 5 to 15 Af-RA-Kam au/Africans [African-American]). Therefore, those branded Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, or White person...anyone that has a calcified Pineal Gland is relegated to utilizes primarily their reptilian bRAins. And when the reptilian bRAins is used primarily on a consistant or constant bases, he or she (branded black to white) becomes and/or is a devil! The reptilian or bRAin stem actives the first two lower chakRAs (This is the real meaning behind David Icke's reptilian shit). The two chakRAs are the Base/Root (MuladhaRA) located at the base of the spine and the navEL plexus chakRA or sacrAL plexus (In Hindu/Vedic tongue it is Svadhishthana and in the Orient/Asia/China, it is called the Dan Tien, a storage place of cosmic energies). This chakRAs' nega-tive qualities is self-centered, violence, anger, greed, insecurity and an overly concern with one's physical survival. The first two chakRAs are also, the indwelling abode or located area of the KUNDALINI SHAKTI/SHIVA (SekhMA'at, Sekhem, Shekinah, Sheikh, Chief) while in its half-sleep state. The KUNDALINI is the ALL-PERVADING Energy of/in the U-N-I-VERSE; its SUB-ATOMIC/ATOMIC/MOLECULAR/CELLULAR Energy. The first chakRAs' color is red (Ego). Just like it was taught to us as children that the Devils' color is red too. He wears a red suit. He has a red tail and red horns etc...The first chakras' EL-ement is Earth and according to the English transliterated term (words) "HOLY BIBLE, " taken from the Grecian term "HELIOS BIBLIOS, " which means "SUN PAPERS" or "SUN PAGES." The Grecian (Greek) term "HELIOS BIBLIOS" was originally derived from the ancient Kama'atian/Egyptian word "RA PAPYRUS." RA means "SUN" or "RAys" and "PAPYRUS" means "PAPER" or "PAGES." Thus, the "HOLY BIBLE actually, means "SUN PAPERS, " "SUN PAGES" or "SUN BOOK." And we (Melanites) are the "CHILDREN OF THE SUN" or "RAs CHILDREN" or "PHREE MESSENs" or "FREE MA-SONs" (MU-SLIMS Sons) or PEACE MAKERS (MU-SLIMS) by NATURE (NETER-GOD).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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