Zafar Iqbal Said #conspiracy
Birmingham Councillor Zafar Iqbal Said apologised for sharing an antisemitic video produced by Klu Klux Klan leader, David Duke on his Facebook account; reports Jonathan Walker in the online Birmingham Mail on 21 September 2016. Said is reported to have denied any acknowledgment of how the video got posted and shared on his Facebook page. Walker states that the video entitled “CNN , Goldman Sachs and the Zio Matrix”, was accompanied by the posting; ..”this video reveals how the Zionist Matrix of Power controls Media, Politics and Banking” , which may have appeared automatically with the video posting.
The term “Zio” has caused much controversy, after having been branded as antisemitic following its routine use against Jewish students. Its use here in a video espousing a classical example of a “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”-type conspiracy theory, which is blatantly antisemitic in its suggestion of Jewish or “Zionist” control over banking, demonstrates unambigiously that the term is used to defame and humiliate Jews. According to the EUMC definition of antisemitism, it is antisemitic to use conspiracy theories previously targeted towards Jews and instead simply shift the blame onto Israel, or in this case “Zionism”.
Said was reportedly appointed Justice of Peace in Solihull Magistrates Court in 2007 and awarded an MBE in 2008 for services to education and the community. He is quoted as saying there is no place for anti-semitism in Labour or society and that he will continue to work with groups in Birmingham of different faiths against racism and prejudice. The article cites a West Midlands Labour spokesman who said Labour takes all allegations of antisemitism seriously and will investigate any such evidence and take relevant action.
However, the Jewish Chronicle has reported that no action will be taken by the Labour Party against Said. A spokesmen said:
“Councillor Iqbal has apologised, we accept his explanation of what happened and we have reminded him of his responsibilities as a Labour councillor.”