It's easy, much like the fairytale for children where the princess kisses the frog and *poof*, he becomes a prince, evolution is a similar fairytale for adults who like doing wicked things that go against what God wills and desires: primordial ooze(mud)turning into an astronaut over time. Neat thing about evolution and creationism.. both start out from the earth with dust/dirt/mud, except evolution has a twist so people feel empowered with knowledge.
Love or Evol. -- notice anything?
"evolution is a similar fairytale for adults who like doing wicked things that go against what God wills and desires"
False dichotomy, dumbass.
"primordial ooze(mud)turning into an astronaut over time."
Gross, gross misunderstanding of rudimentary biology. You should be beaten to death with science textbooks.
"both start out from the earth with dust/dirt/mud, except evolution has a twist so people feel empowered with knowledge."
1.) Abiogenesis =/= Evolution
2.) Yes, being empowered with knowledge is so awful. Go bask in your stupidity under the rock you crawled out of.
" people feel empowered with knowledge..."
What, as opposed to thinking they're special because they were shat out by some god, and are thus the chosen of said god? Gods forbid people are interested in the origin of life or are curious as to how things came to be, rather than just declaring GODDIDIT.
much like the fairytale for children where the princess kisses the frog and *poof*, he becomes a prince,
What about the one where a prince kisses him and he becomes a "poof"?
Live/Evil -- watch out, RimJob -- Satan/Santa
Madam, I'm Adam --- shit, there's no escaping the doom.
"Love or Evol. -- notice anything?"
Mostly just the same old crap argument, poor grammar and punctuation, nicely rounded off with an unnecessary abbreviation and an incredulous question. I'm afraid that this is nothing new, so please, don't quit your day job.
Live or Evil -- notice anything?
God or Dog -- how about now?
Sit on a potato pan, Otis.
Actually, primordial soup is not "mud". It is a very special compound that only occurs in a few very special conditions. And it didn't "turn into" an astronaut. The RNA and Amino Acids just slowly enlarged, creating more and more complex proteins over billions of years. Of course, I'm no expert.
[evolution is a similar fairytale...]
Fairy tales don't have evidence. Evolution does. Your analogy is false.
[...for adults who like doing wicked things that go against what God wills and desires:]
So our options are evolution or theism?
[primordial ooze(mud)turning into an astronaut over time. Neat thing about evolution and creationism.. both start out from the earth with dust/dirt/mud...]
Wrong. Evolution says nothing about the origins of life.
[...except evolution has a twist so people feel empowered with knowledge.]
You haven't explained how this is a bad thing.
[Love or Evol. -- notice anything?]
Yeah, I've noticed that you don't know a damned thing about evolution.
Seriously, love is not the antithesis of evolution. They are not polar opposites. One does not destroy the other. ><
>Love or Evol. -- notice anything?
Like, dude, that's so...that's so fuckin' deep , dude. You, like, hit on a profound mystery of,, everything, man. The whole Universe. Also, one time I heard that "god" spelled, like, backwards is "dog". I mean, fuck , dude. Is, like, God a dog, or...y'know, is a dog God? Or maybe...maybe it's all, like, a cosmic joke, man. Y'know? Dude, that's just so...Dude.
...God, I am so fuckin' hungry. I wonder if I have any Cheetos...
Actually, if you knew anything about old fairy/folk tales, you would know that the Princess and the Frog is just an old way of telling girls about sex. A lot of old tales are based around sex, and a lot of that is fucked up. Ever analyse Jack and Jill? Nuff said.
"Love or Evol. -- notice anything?"
Wait. Is that... OH.... MY.... GOD!!!!
Thank you Jesus! I've seen the light! One word is another word's abbreviation backwards and when cast into an either/or mindset it proves that evolution is the opposite of Love and God is Love!!!!!!!!!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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