FullTimeLoser #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] LOL at you if you don't hate women.

Women hate you. They despise you in fact. They villainize you every chance they get. They will call you a creep just due to your looks. They will gaslight you and tell you to be confident, and when you are they will accuse you of harassment. They will villainize your masculinity, your hobbies, your attempts, your desires; all because you're ugly, and to them, ugly people don't deserve to have desires and hobbies. We're not even human to them.

love women so much i wanna fuck them in the pussy crempie sex blonde stavcy

That's not love

Tbh. I want all toilets enslaved


I think hating women is meaningless if you don't back up your words with actions.

I'm mean to women I pass and I would never help a woman who'd ask me for something



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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