various commenters #wingnut #racist

White people know they are under attack. They can feel it.

They are being murdered by minorities every day. They are being replaced by minorities through mass immigration. They are discriminated against legally by their government. They are passed over for jobs and promotions. They are told they are privileged and responsible for all the worlds evils. They are told they have no culture.

Race matters and you are under attack for yours


spoilerFrom Rome to Russia, empires have
fallen and yet Jews have persisted.
Why? Because they are racist. It is
precisely for this reason that they have
stigmatized racism in our minds they
know it's the best survival strategy.
Their position in our societies is a
testament to this.

@Apolitical And they have the GOP telling them that some violent negro who hates them is actually their savior.

@Apolitical 10-14% of earths population is white. The true minority. Gimme my reparations !😆🤣😂

@Apolitical They are not "minorities"... we're being invaded by global majorities...if they were minorities they wouldn't be coming here. Whites only make up 10% of the global population.

@Apolitical and yet ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

@whfla @Apolitical I love being White. It's a hard job though.

@Apolitical And everywhere there are more darkies everywhere, milling about talking their strange languages.

Who the fuck invited these people into my country?

It sure wasn't me.

I was never asked.

@hamburgertoday @Apolitical your elitest white brothers wish to replace you because you make piss poor slaves

@clarkmorehouse The Whites are all patsies and sycophants. The engine of global migration from the South to the North is Jews.

No Jews.

No mass immigration.




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