The fact about w/eIfare is that Libs, U/rban and Hi/spanic single mothers and public employees are the problem with this Republic. They live off free stuff that working men buy for them and think there entitled.
When the adults are back in charge, its time to freeze all Union assets including pensions, and return that money to the People. Let the g/het/to t/ra/sh and college p/ukes try hard work in the private sector.
"..and return that money to the People"
Corporations are not people, my friend.
It's amazing how the people who are better off than almost everyone else in the world are capable of squealing about being the oppressed miniority. Thanks, Ayn Rand.
The most entitled people I've ever heard of are rich inheritors who never built a damn thing in their lives and yet demand to be treated like nobility. They want their employees to work harder, work longer hours, make less money, and on top of it they want tax cuts so that they can make even more money off of their employees' labor. The productivity of the average American is at record highs (at least, since the time we started keeping track of it), corporations and especially the top earners are making record profits, and taxes are at all-time lows (again, at least since we've been keeping track of it). But that's not enough. No, you think you're entitled every penny you can possibly squeeze and if this was the 200 years ago you'd be moaning about how you have to feed and clothe your slaves. YOU are the entitled prick. The poor only feel entitled to be able to feed themselves and shelter themselves. That's something EVERYONE is entitled to.
How are college students the problem, how are any of those examples productivity problems?!?! Each and every example given is either in the workforce, or is desperately trying to get in. If they are on welfare its either because their job doesn't pay enough to cover basic living expenses or there aren't any jobs for them to get into.
Fuck you corporate freedom, your ilk has drained this country for its own benefit and now complain about their greed being unsustainable. Fuck you.
As I understand it, the weird punctuation and slashes are attemtps to beat the NSA's data mining programs. You know, if one types in the phrase g/het/to t/ra/sh instead of ghetto trash, the NSA's will not be able to zero in on the use of a racist turn of phrase using a search engine.
This of course pre-supposes the NSA is using a pre-1980 search engine.
What's with the slash-thingies in random words?
"Hi, there! I'm Co/rpo/rate Freedom, a sub/human ball o/f sl/im/e with the intelligence of warm j/e/ll/o. Th/ank yo/u."
EDIT: Ah, I see...
"I'm C/o/rporate Fr/eed/om, a s/we/at-so/ck who puts slashes in stu/ff t/hink/ing it will th/row the F/ed/s off beca/use I'm an id/iot. Thank yo/u."
However, don't forget that the same men who give that money, need them to pay for their pension in the future. So, we're even at that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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