WitchKitty , mycelium & MissFeather #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: More TIMs talking about their nazi phases

( WitchKitty )
If they are women on the inside why are they getting radicalized by an ideology that’s designed to cater to white men?

This! Seriously it’s so funny how they don’t seem to think this correlation makes their main argument invalid lol

But what’s weird to me is that the percentage of former/ current nazis are so high in white TIM’s compared to white “cis” men. Technically they are the same physically but there is a clear connection of nazis and transwoman identity. What is it about transgenderism that is so attractive to nazis? Obviously both nazism and trans ideology must offer something similar that this group of men want. Power? Moral superiority complex? An excuse to hate on groups of people? Physical superiority complex?(nazis believe they are the superior race and TIM’s believe they are the superior woman) maybe a combination of all these factors and the reason for them switching from nazi to TIM is because not only can they jerk off to larping as a woman but they are also socially accepted and even revered.

Edit: formatting

( mycelium )
I have a theory that nazis/incels transition not due to gender identity, but due to "oppression" identity. Instead of changing their external presentation to match their internal gender identity, I think they are changing their presentation to reflect how oppressed they believe they are. One of the many things gendervangelicals have in common with MRAs and white supremacists is their baseless belief that they are an aggrieved class. Neo-nazis recruit straight white penis people with the assurance that they are the ones who are actually oppressed, but this rhetoric will not score you oppression points on the "left" without some modification. I think it's possible trancels have internalized the delusion that they are the most oppressed, and take on a trans identity to fully actualize their victim status. This has the added benefit of granting them immunity to any scrutiny, especially regarding how exactly they are oppressed for being straight white penis people.

( MissFeather )
I would guess that they're more prone to getting sucked into extreme ideologies in general. They're also more likely to want permission to be hateful; like you said, power.



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