“If the Childrens of gay parents become gay themselves, i think that says everything into itself. “
It would be impossible for SOME children of gay parents to not be gay. That still does not mean anything. I would bet about 10% of them will be gay...just like 10% of straight parent’s children will be gay. You can use the fundie 1-2% if you like
does not change the facts much.
“gays should not be able to raise a family, they will be teaching the wrong things in life. the morality of human nature.”
Are you a mind reader? See the future do you? I am not even sure what the hell you are talking about
we would teach our children about how human nature is moral or something? I would say there are aspects of human nature that are bad and good and also neutral.
“Male to Male / Woman to woman IS just WRONG, dont care how you slice it.”
Opinions are not facts
moving on.
“If you cannot pro-created as a couple then you should be denied the right to raise a family. simple as that. i know that there are couple male and female who cannot pro-create, but at least they can and they are a male and female.”
What a way to contradict yourself. Just say you don’t want gays to raise kids, you will still be an ass hole but you will not sound as stupid.
“you dont see two male animals pro-creating do you?? of course not, it would mean the end of it species.”
-Reproduction is the biological process by which new individual organisms are produced.-
So if by a brand new biological process two males pro-created (creating a new life) that would mean the end of its species? How?
There are tons of ways to reproduce. Even before science came about you did not have to do it solely by sticking a penis in a vagina. Are you aware of asexual reproduction? Are you aware that some species of animals can change their sex? Are you aware that science has already successfully combined two female eggs to create a living organism? And so on?
So then, I will agree with you. If you can’t pro-create then you can’t raise a family. Which means gays have every right to raise a family since they CAN pro-create. Stop channeling Allen Keyes, at least he uses spelling and grammar!
“Of course its okay to have someone to LOVE, thats fine, but you gays should be denied to have a family.”
So I can have someone to love
but I can’t have a family to love? And who appointed you ruler of the universe again?
“i dont care how "loving" you are, i dont care if you give the child a "good home". DENIED DENIED DENIED!!”
Read above
“the child would be warped by your society of living, which isnt fair to the child.”
Ya I totally plan on taking my kid to gay strip clubs. And as you know all of us fags love doing crack and doing all sorts of hard drugs
I plan on giving it to him/her for breakfast.
“think of the children dont think that you are doing them a good favor, because you are not!”
Once again you know this how? Show your work. By all means ignore all the children that already are with gay parents and who are and have grown up as outstanding members of human society. These children also love their gay parents and wouldn’t want it any other way. Does your thought process not extend to them as well? Or do you ignore them and only focus on a tiny fraction of stories that might involve the child of gay parents doing something bad? Good parents help to raise good children, end of story.