NeverWorried #fundie

If the Childrens of gay parents become gay themselves, i think that says everything into itself.

gays should not be able to raise a family, they will be teaching the wrong things in life. the morality of human nature.

Male to Male / Woman to woman IS just WRONG, dont care how you slice it.

If you cannot pro-created as a couple then you should be denied the right to raise a family. simple as that. i know that there are couple male and female who cannot pro-create, but at least they can and they are a male and female.

you dont see two male animals pro-creating do you?? of course not, it would mean the end of it species.

Of course its okay to have someone to LOVE, thats fine, but you gays should be denied to have a family.

i dont care how "loving" you are, i dont care if you give the child a "good home". DENIED DENIED DENIED!!

the child would be warped by your society of living, which isnt fair to the child.

think of the children dont think that you are doing them a good favor, because you are not!



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