TheNEET #sexist

[JFL] IT fights racism by attacking the LOOKS of its supporters

someone posted an old photo of schoolchildren holding banners with racist messages on them and said that this is what normies would do if they were born in a different time
any sane person would attack the messages because it's racism that's bad but IT knows damn well that personality and views don't matter, only looks do
normies can't distinguish between morality and looks: they live in a Disney movie in which the protagonist is a pretty princess and the antagonist is an old witch with hooked nose
for a normie a good ugly person or an evil pretty person is an oxymoron
so of course IT shows its open-mindedness by calling the racist children ugly incels with tiny wrists and they call their LOOKS school-shooter-like (of course you become a school shooter by looking a certain way, not by shooting up a school)
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP: morals and looks are so indistinguishable to them that they basically say "racism is bad bc racists have tiny wrists"

no. we wouldn't



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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