You obviously don't know a thing about modern mind control. It is not done using satellites or radio broadcasts. Not directly anyways. That is obsolete technology and the old standby of aluminum foil shielding is useless. Now it is done using subliminal messages in your cell phones combined with minute doses of psychotropic molecules that readily bind to acetylcholine receptors. The agents are ingested and absorbed in the small intestines but are masked in the body by metabolites of aspartame or fructose.
Even by the standards of those who believe in government mind control that makes no sense. Especially since, y'know, you can live without a cellphone. Hell, I manage it.
When you look at the site and view it in context then yes, it is obviously a Poe, a very good one. I still voted for it in public admin though, because it is fucking funny and also because no one at the source site called Poe on it. Who am I to gainsay what is authentic when the regulars there are not calling it? :p
I don't know about the tin foil hat shit and satellite waves but he kind of had me going for a little bit with the subliminal messages part until he got off into that pseudoscientific BS with "psychotropic molecules".
I do agree though that companies and politicians try to use subliminal messaging, loaded language, misdirection, misinformation, DISinformation and repetition to get people to internalize and believe their advertising or messages. A lot of politicians (US politicians especially) have studied in the arts of Hitler's "Big Lie" tactic.
Unfortunately humans do naturally have a predisposition to start believing things if they hear it repeated often and loudly enough without a hint of irony or self-doubt in the tone or message. People can resist this subconscious trend if they pay attention or educate themselves but it can be effective on weaker-minded, emotionally vulnerable and uninformed people.
Nicotine binds to the acetylcholine receptors.
Next thing you know they'll be saying the Tobacco Companies have a conspiracy.
The opposite(blocks them) causes sedation at low doses and extreme delirium at higher doses and does in fact have links with mind control.*
Datura includes the anticholinergics which cause you to forget everything including who you are.
*And chances are you have anticholinergics in your medicine cabinet. Benadryl.
The US Government discovered that tinfoil hats have a natural resonating frequency, a bit like a very crude bell. They then developed a mind control system that detected the use of tinfoil hats and automatically adjusted the transmission frequency until they got an echo back. They then transmitted on that frequency so the tinfoil hat would amplify rather than block the mind contol signals. This is why if you see anyone wearing a tinfoil hat you should avoid them at all costs. You probably already do, in fact!
Ahahaha! This...this...
Is this for real?
@Brendan Rizzo
"Mind control is impossible."
Not entirely impossible. Some parasites and insects are known to exhibit mind and body-manipulating behaviour. Creepy stuff. Just be glad there aren't any parasitic species advanced enough to take over and devour human brains.
Yet .
You know, the thing that I find depressing is that the people who are the most worked up about mind control don't actually know jack about mind control, let alone how to avoid it.
Agent Orange has a pretty good bead on how mind control works, and amazingly enough it doesn't involve wacky technology and you don't have to go out and live in a hole to protect yourself from it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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