Now that a majority of states are no longer legally recognizing heterosexual marriages, maybe it's time to move to Puerto Rico.
WTF! Permitting other consenting adults to marry who they want, in no way invalidates your own marriage. Where do they get these ridiculous ideas from. Yeah, I know, the Bible. God doesn't like homosexuals. But then he hates people who eat shellfish just as much.
... Now that the moon is made of pants, maybe it's time to snort cocaine.
See? I can make shit up with non-sequiturs too. Now go step on a lego.
Gee, two weeks ago I attended a wedding of a man and a woman here in NYS. Who knew it was illegal? I didn't see any cops...
As for Puerto Rico, better make it snappy. Same gender sexual activity has been legal since 2003 there, and currently the issue of marriage between two women is wending it's way through the appeal system. Guess which way the betting is going.
But hey, it's still illegal in Uganda!
So all previously existing heterosexual marriages are voided and illegal, men are now forced to marry only men, and women forced to only marry women?
Is somebody going to tell all the married heterosexuals at some point? What will be done for 2014 tax filing?
You'd think there would have been something on the news.
Really! Why do they say stuff like this? They should know better! There's Male/Female couples getting hitched as we speak! I've heard of "The Big Lie" but this crosses over to "The Big Lie That's So Big That It's Stupid & Unbelievable". Even Goebbels understood the importance of subtlety, believability & finesse!
You know your "movement" is in dire straits when you start saying stupid stuff with no inner "self-filtering".
Freedom is not a zero-sum game, motherfucker. Did your mother sniff paint thinner while she was pregnant or something?
Oh, and you wouldn't want to move to Puerto Rico. Those filthy brown Catholics speak (GASP!)Mexican! longer legally recognizing heterosexual marriages...
Yep, letting the queers in was the last nail in the coffin; all marriages in the U.S. are instantly null and void, and all your children are bastards.
Now that a majority of states are no longer legally recognizing heterosexual marriages
What in the name of fuck are you going on about? Please name one, just one, state that no longer recognizes a marriage between a man and a woman? Or is it just that you are so fucking stupid that you can't get it through your fundie head that there could be more than one type of legally recognized marriage.
maybe it's time to move to Puerto Rico.
Then by all means, Get. Fucking. Packing. Let's see how long the Puerto Ricans put up outright lies, utter bullshit, and batcrap insanity.
Where are you living that doesn't recognize heterosexual marriage?
Unless you're saying that legalizing gay marriage will automatically invalidate all straight marriages, in which case - it doesn't.
Now that a majority of states are no longer legally recognizing heterosexual marriages
maybe it's time to move to Puerto Rico.
Why don't you move to Guam instead to keep David J. Stewart company?
These people. They completely lost their goddamn minds a long-ass time ago.
"Marriage is invalidated/devalued/unrecognizable because them queers gayed it all up! My murrage is tainted by gay, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!!!"
"Now that a majority of states are no longer legally recognizing heterosexual marriages..."
When the fuck did this happen? Just because the government starts recognizing a second type of marriage does not mean they stop recognizing the first you fucking loon. Unlike you, the state is capable of supporting or focusing on more than one thing.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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