From an old grandfather, if one of my granddaughters comes through with a tattoo, she’s got a lot of trouble. No, seriously, the Bible does talk about scarring and marring of the body and cutting the body. These are pagan customs, and the Bible condemns it. All these scars, you look in pagan cultures, they cut themselves. They leave great scars in their bodies. And usually it was a scarring to indicate their allegiance to some pagan deity. So that’s what tattoos are all about. Plus the fact, they’re ugly.
He's right, for whatever that's worth, not that I give a damn.
I would like to hear any Christians with tattoos try to rationalize that one away since the prohibition of tats comes from the same book that condemns homosexuality.
"Plus the fact, they're ulgy."
As, personal opinions stated as universal facts.
Classic fundie arrogance.
Im pretty sure tattooing and "cuting" is not exclusive to pagan cultures. Besides, back in the days when those parts of the bible were written it made sense really not to tattoo, peirce or cut yourself considering there was no anti-septic and I'd imagine there wouldn't have been much in the way of sterilising the implements used. A good way to get people thousands of years ago to stop doing something was to say God said don't do such and such) But now that infection isn't really an issue where's the problem? There is only one if you take 100% of the bible 100% literally.
Once she reaches adulthood, whose business is it? Also, the Old and New Testaments both condemn fraud, so a lot of televangelists are in trouble with that one.
From an old grandfather, if one of my granddaughters comes through with a tattoo, she’s got a lot of trouble.
You would beat her to within an inch of her life wouldn't you?
I hardly think that a religion that advocates slicing a layer of flesh off the end of your son's penis, for no other reason than your god's arbitrary decree, can take the moral high ground in condemning tattoos or body piercing.
Aesthetics opinions aside, what are you hinting?, that boys can be pagans and not girls(after all, they can cut their hair and be circumscised)?. Following your logic, they shouldn't wear earrings or undergo surgery for non-medical reasons. Moreover, they shouldn't wear makeup or change their hairstyle, not to be compared with the Pagans. And now you're speaking, could you say which "scars", so big that only you see, there are?, moreover, would you ask them which deity they're consacrating too?, and Sacred Coeur of Jesus with spines doesn't count, or Robert, James or whatever they put in the hearts, for that matter.
"No, seriously, the Bible does talk about scarring and marring of the body and cutting the body."
"And usually it was a scarring to indicate their allegiance to some pagan deity" peek at lil' Pat tucked inside your pants. What was those words you just uttered?
I gonna get a new tatoo soon - I want the names of all my family members in elvish letters tatooed over my hips - looks cool and covers up real scarring stretchmarks!
I gonna put my piercings back in too - had to take them out - pregnant - sorry fundies, no abortion! I guess I'm the first heathen woman to give birth instead aborting the baby! oooooopppps ... got a little carried away here ....
I don't remember what the words are exactly, but the OT pretty clearly condemns ritual scarification, including tattooing. Or rather, it condemns mutilating yourself.
I don't personally have any interest in altering my skin so permanently, so whatever.
Also, from what I can tell, whether or not they're self-inflicted, or showing some particular alliance to a god (rather, than, you know, a lineage) is pretty hard to tell.
Plus the fact, they look pretty cool.
Stoning is just a tad worse on the body, I'd say. Stoning and whipping children for g0d.
Oh. This is the Grand Ayatollah of Dumfuckistan speaking. Okay. Carry on.
I got a massive tribal pattern across my pecs, shoulders, and down my back. There are 3 large pentacles in there too. Wanna see, Pat? Right before I wail on you with the Shovel of Reason?
"Plus the fact, they're ugly."
This is all he really wanted to say. Everything before it is just some bullshit rationalization to make his opinion have authority.
"Plus the fact, they’re ugly"
Pat, as an ugly asswipe, you shouldn't push it.
That's the OT, Pat. You know, the same OT that forbids wearing mixed fabrics, eating shellfish, and men being clean-shaven.
Your personal opinion is not a universal fact, either. I know, you're shocked.
Let me guess...Leviticus? The rule book for Levites?
Does the old fool know who the Levites were? Temple servants for the Pharisees.
And the Pharisees were the people that JC actively disliked, so there's really no correlation between Levites and Christians. The probability of JC advocating Leviticus approaches zero.
Saul/Paul knew fuck-all about JC, but he recognized the availability of potential Shabbes-goyim. And so it goes.
Hey grandpa, guess what? Your granddaughters are likely faster and stronger than you, while you'd break like a twig in the breeze. Hope they all get tattoos, and you try to touch them and end up with broken arms, legs, and your hip.
-No love, River.
If she comes home with a scar or a tattoo, just heal her and make it go away. Come on Pat. You did the "faith healing" thing in the 70's and 80's, surely you haven't forgotten how. Or, perhaps, your god doesn't do that stunt anymore?
"I hardly think that a religion that advocates slicing a layer of flesh off the end of your son's penis, for no other reason than your god's arbitrary decree..."
Actually, it was done so that, once a man had adopted Judaism he could no longer deny it if he was captured. Proof positive, so to speak. Kept a lot of warriors from surrendering or switching sides, so it had a specific (i.e. historical time-specific) purpose, not arbitrary as you propose.
“the Bible does talk about scarring and marring of the body and cutting the body. These are pagan customs, and the Bible condemns it.”
I think that’s cute, since Christmas and Easter are both Pagan celebrations that the church adopted.
Also, Wotansday, Thorsday. the days of teh week are named after Pagan gods.
And the months, Janusary.
But take a stand an punish your granddaughter for getting a tattoo.
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