Everett Ammon #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com
They have been with us for countless ages, an interdimensional race many times older and more powerful than our own. The part they have played in shaping and manipulating our culture is hinted at in every mythology, in tales of dragons and talking serpents. They are the reptilians, the secret masters of earth. Only recently have researchers stepped forward to talk about the threat they represent, and only now has one been brave enough to speak the truth about the serpent folk’s most diabolical agenda: the use of sexuality as a tool for enslavement. Here are four remarkable case studies of young people who fell prey to reptilian sexual manipulation. An aspiring rap star finds her “manager” is more than he appears. A new hire at a powerful company realizes that the “dragon lady” CEO represents an obscene threat. A lovesick girl begins to harbor unspeakable suspicions about her new boyfriend. Finally, a young man must battle a mysterious and utterly heartless foe, one whom everyone around him believes to be a war hero of unimpeachable virtue. These are strange, startling stories, narratives that will open your mind to the dangers that surround us every day.
Everett Ammon is a writer and paranormal researcher who has devoted much of his career to studying and fighting the reptilian menace. The Reptilian Sex Agenda is his first book.