itsnotaboutewe #transphobia

I'm Done With Reasoning and Explaining To People

This has been a long fight for me. It's been at least a decade since I began warning about the inevitable consequences of transgenderism if it was allowed to escape the sordid realm of fetish and become mainstream. There is no way anyone in the western world has not come across it and its negative consequences by now. Anyone defending it today can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. This is a pernicious, woman-hating cult that needs to be destroyed and put in a museum of very bad social experiments.

If people 50 years in the past, or even 50 years in the future, could look at what this cult has made people believe today, they would be horrified.

That being born female is a deformity that needs surgical correction. That little girls should hate their bodies. That women and girls do not deserve privacy or dignity. That women are inherently evil if they demand bodily autonomy. That women should not have their own women-only sports and pastimes. That women do not deserve female-only spaces. That women are unfairly shielding children from the joys of sex. That teenaged girls should have their breasts cut off. That any woman pushing to regain the rights she used to have is a witch. That in every sphere of life, women should not have any boundaries to keep them safe from men.

I repeat, this is a woman-hating cult. It has captured governments and society in general, and over half of the population is being robbed of rights so that what was once a secret men's fetish can flourish in public. Women and children are being sacrificed for a small number of men with certain sexual proclivities.

I'm done explaining and reasoning with people who already have the facts in front of them but that just do not care about women and girls. I'm done arguing with men on the internet knowing they are stroking their cocks every time I get angry or emotional over this. I'm done with the women who are willingly throwing my rights, and the rights of every girl and woman to come after them, away like garbage. I'm done.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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