Because the storm that is coming is not just an American storm, it's a human storm. It's a global storm. And who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? It is always the American. But we are not prepared to be those people yet. We must go to God boot camp and we can straighten our own lives up so we can help people out in the rest of the world and guide them down the stairs and out of the building, into safety.
If we can say this to each other: "And with firm reliance on divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" we will then know that God is not on our side, rather we have put our life in shape so we know we will be on God's side.
[Emphasis added]
Beckyboy is dangerous because he tells stupid people to be afraid. On a more encouraging note, some evangelicals seem to have realized that he's a Mormon. Granted, most fundies are too ill-educated to realize the difference but at least a few of them are starting to gripe about it.
"And who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? It is always the American."
Perhaps for the next world war, you could actually turn up on time...?
Picture the straggly bearded madman of the desert lands delighting in his ability to stir up the lumpen masses. Picture his stringy body capering with joy at the thought of manipulating other gullible desert dwellers. Imagine his ravening appetite for control and violence, his simmering aggression, his asinine demagoguery, his smug demeanor, his arrogant announcements.
Now picture the modern day version of that, outwardly rounder, clean shaved and media savvy. But inwardly crawling with evil intention and seething with a mad delirium.
How does he, or his kind of Americans, want save the world when they don't even know how the world geographically looks like? Because to know that you need a education and I think that that’s one thing you won’t get in gods (military) boot camp
And who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? It is always the American.
Well, it's always Americans like me , motherfucker. Americans who serve -or have served- our nation. It's never assholes like you. Shitbags like Gwenn Beck sit back and masturbate furiously while fantasizing about jebus/god/rapture/death, claiming they wanted to serve, but seem to always have a reason for remaining civilians.
> it's a human storm.
A whirlin', rotatin' hurricane of beautiful naked men, from horizon to horizon, oh God, closing in on America.
Come on, you know you want that to happen, mr. Beck.
and who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? It is always the American.
Always? I think you'll find that those oppressed people in the world whose oppressors neither possess oil nor threaten the US directly have mostly stopped holding their breath for an American intervention.
Once again, who the hell listens to a Mormon? They're barely civilized let alone Christian. Imprison and rape as many of your daughters as possible so God likes you best isn't that far from blowing yourself up so God likes you best and gives you 72 daughters to rape in a heavenly prison. If he's going to guide anything it's his penis into a child bride.
Every country has lunatics. The real tragedy here isn't that Glenn Beck thinks* what he thinks, but that he is able to spout his bullshit on national TV and actually attract a fair number of followers.
* Or rather, something analogous to 'thinks'.
I don't think God or God boot camp will help, but I do support you nitwits straightening out your lives.
Shouldn't that "sacred honor" you speak of include not lying and fomenting prejudice?
And who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? It is always the American.
Only in Hollywood. Remind me which country Hollywood is in again? Oh yeah. Believe it or not, they've been lying about the whole "One US marine single-handedly gutted every single Nazi while the allied troops just hid behind cover gushing about how awesome the USA is" thing.
Why is it that your country's version of 'always saving other countries' so often involves killing their citizens on their soil?
I'm not denying that your country has been amazingly generous to the poor of the world, particularly your atheist citizens Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, and kudos to you all for that, but attempting to count the transmission of your superstitions as 'foreign aid' is really beyond the pale.
I've tried and failed to understand what Beck is actually saying here. What is he predicting is going to happen? And what is he proposing we should all do about it? What does "pledge to each other our lives" mean? And what is "sacred honor" or "God boot camp"?
Every sentence is the same: I understand the words, but the language is not intelligible. Is there a reliable way to translate?
*We must go to God boot camp*
I'm not really replying to this, as much as saying that I misread it as God-bot camp.
I find it thoroughly frightening that the nation with the largest thermonuclear arsenal in the world has as many people as it has listening approvingly to right ring demagogues.
Remember that it only takes a committed minority to bring chaos to a society.
"I've tried and failed to understand what Beck is actually saying here. What is he predicting is going to happen? And what is he proposing we should all do about it?"
The scary black man is gonna kill us all, the only way to be saved is to send Glenn your money!
All those words, and it only adds up to a red, white and blue, fish-and-cross-stamped anxiety attack.
I admire Mr. Beck's ability to dole out this superficially patriotic, christianoid pap to his admirers in exactly the same way I admire the ability of kissing bugs to suck the blood of their victims while infecting them with Chagas disease. Which is to say, not at all.
Oh yeah. Believe it or not, they've been lying about the whole "One US marine single-handedly gutted every single Nazi while the allied troops just hid behind cover gushing about how awesome the USA is" thing.
It's true. It was actually an Army Ranger.
I asked: "I've tried and failed to understand what Beck is actually saying here. What is he predicting is going to happen? And what is he proposing we should all do about it?"
An answer: "The scary black man is gonna kill us all, the only way to be saved is to send Glenn your money!"
Do you conclude that Beck does not really believe what he says, and is merely using it to get more fame and money? If that is true, it seems more evil than if he was sincere. On the other hand, it would explain why it is hard to understand exactly what he is sincere about.
Some people are expecting a declaration of a Beck/Palin 2012 Presidential campaign
Pleeeeease, Br'er Fox! Don' throw me in dat briar patch!
Not only would that mean a dead lock Obama victory, but it would also be friggin' HILARIOUS! we can help people out in the rest of the world and guide them down the stairs and out of the building, into safety.
Listen, when AmericanOverkill,Inc. hits town, the only safety available is the safety of the grave, I'm sorry to say.
Sniper, wasn't he?
Whenever I think of something called "God boot camp", I think of Auschwitz.
Seriously, given the heavy moral bankruptcy they would gas any indifels if given the chance..
Who is Glenn Beck? An American, to be sure. But looks like he is ignorant of the rest of the world.
The mighty America he envisions was not able to handle Afghanistan, or Iraq. Oh, and lest I forget, it was booted out of Vietnam.
And, Glenn, we Europeans would thank you to learn a little more about us in particular. We have no wish to have a fundamentalist America under the likes of you interfering in our affairs. That would be the surest way to end what, until then, would have been a good friendship. Bust it, buster, and we cut you loose. You need us every bit as much we need you. Get used to the idea. You have no warrant to pretend that America is omnipotent. She is not. That ended in the 1950s. Of course neither is Europe. But we are an old and proud lot, and a jumped up, uncultured oick is not one we would listen to with any tolerance. Rather bring back the old America where respect and decency were keynotes, not religious bullying.
Militaristic rethoric? Check!
Rambling about a chosen race/country with a divine mission? Check!
Claims to be on Gawd's side? Check!
You know what, Glenn? You remind of someone. An Austrian painter, he also thought that Gott... I mean God was with him.
For those of you wondering if Glenda Becky is insane, the answer is no.....he's what we call a snake oil salesman, and when it comes to selling snake oil to the galactically stupid, Becky is a master.
I dont believe that he is a true believer like say Limbaugh or Hannety, he knows that he can make an insane amount of money simply by stroking the fears of his cowardly listeners and he doesn't even have to make any sense while doing it.
"And who is it that always runs in at the end to save them? It is always the American."
Like the americans saving the french at Yorktown in 1781, right mr. Beck?
To paraphrase Captain Kirk, what does God want with an army?
@freako104: Hey, another DCer! I was laughing so hard about the whole "OMG don't go past Union Station on the Red Line, it's dangerous " thing.
"...I'm a loooser baabbyy so why dontcha kill meee..."
I couldn't help myself, he's ripe for a musical parody!
"A house divided against itself cannot stand" -A Lincoln
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" - F Roosevelt
"Be afraid, be very afraid!" - G Beck
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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