Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Call it the "whoops wrong nigger" fund"]

Police do the right thing and taxpayers foot the bill:

MONTREAL — A Black Montreal man is seeking more than $1 million in damages after he was wrongfully arrested in connection with an assault on a police officer and detained for six days

Lawyers representing Mamadi III Fara Camara filed a lawsuit today at the Montreal courthouse
Police ultimately exonerated Camara and in late March, arrested another person in connection with the case

So..."another person" eh? No other information that the fake news liars at CityTV felt was worthy of publishing?

Unsurprisingly it was another nigger, one Ali Ngarukiye, who Montreal police now believe was the individual responsible for the crime of stealing an officer's gun and shooting at him. Police suspected Camara after he was found just sitting in his car after the assault
You might be asking yourself a sensible question: do Ngarukiye and Camara look anything like each other?[…]Nobody (lying presstitutes at Global News, Montreal Police, the prosecuting attorney) is interested in giving you any information about Ngarukiye including whether he's legally allowed to be in Canada or where he and his family lives

But we do know where Camara and his family live: not in Canada. Or, rather, they aren't supposed to be. However, woke SJW morons in Parliament and the Queerbec Government are pushing to get him permanent residency status even as he tries to bilk white taxpayers out of their hard-earned money

There's a reason this song is so catchy



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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