littleowl12 #transphobia

TIMs (and TIFs) shouldn't get so defensive about porn as an influencer. That would actually be good news


To anyone lurking here that gets touchy about the porn factor: if you were exposed to it as a child, I view that as sexual abuse of you, not by you. I hold you accountable for your adult wrong-doings, but not how you were taken advantage of when you were 12.

And while there are a bunch of things that contribute to this trans craze, I believe it would actually be a good thing if porn addiction really is the driving force. It means you are not genetically defective, you are not destined to be this way, and porn, like other addictive substances, can be avoided. We brought smoking rates of teens down significantly in the US. Protecting kids is totally doable.

Obviously, the motives are different between TIMs and TIFs. TIMs are pursuing their pornographic ideals. TIFs are usually trying to run away from them, though they too are enamored by other porny fantasies like Yaoi.

It's just not a coincidence that the more widespread porn became, the faster this social contagion spread. As porn producers compete for clicks, they have to get stranger, weirder, and more disgusting. It's just marketing and capitalism. They must stand out from the crowd if they want to be noticed. Once you realize that's the only reason why porn producers bother with this particular paraphilia, it loses its mystique.

Obviously porn is not the only factor. In highly homophobic societies, you will find more HSTS TIMs. These are just gay men in a very dark place. But HSTS TIMs usually go on a body-destroying quest to meet pornographic ideals of womanhood. They aren't interested in women outside stereotypes they think will charm men. Even if they do want to bake in a pretty half-apron, it's not about the physical reality of womanhood. It's about being a sexy stereotype men will like. So porn is definitely the how-to guide HSTS TIMs think they need. Combine that with the obligatory venture into prostitution and porn, you've got yet another man who is ruled by porn.




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