Usfighter #conspiracy #quack
Possible Vaccine Purpose...Please Hear Me Out...
We are all trying to figure out the purpose of the vaccine. Sterilization? Some form of MKUltra/5G combination, nanotech? I have been brainstorming trying to come up with something that makes sense and have an idea I'd like to run by the forum:
What if one of the functions of the vaccine is going to be used as a remote control mechanism to basically calm the population down at an appointed time. I have felt that something huge is coming - some event that will change everything. It is so frustrating because the air is thick with so much tension that something has to give sooner or later. We are lied to about EVERYTHING. Most on here know this already and those that do not are in for a rude awakening.
What if some event is coming that reveals just how misled we have been and exposes the deception of the powers that be? If you were said powers you would want some method of keeping most at bay. Well most are lining up for the vaxx. The ones that do not will be smaller in number.
Thoughts? I think we can all agree the truth can not be suppressed forever.