jaelyn91011 , Branith & Revolutionary_Type95 #wingnut reddit.com

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Just because someone's life is traumatic doesn't mean it would be better had they never been born... What kind of suicidal logic is that? I hate how they frame people who overcome trauma as "a few unicorns", nearly every person who's close to me has experienced horrific amounts of child abuse and survived.

And you know what? Every single one of them is glad to be alive. They survived, they fought, and they prevailed for their happiness, because the value of their life is not defined by their abusers.

The reality of the human experience is that we have the capacity to experience terrible suffering just as much as wonderful pleasure. Trying to prevent suffering by eliminating life that may suffer also robs them of any joy they might get. If you want to pull heartstrings over potential suffering in life, what about potential joy? Happy memories, having your first crush. Making a best friend. Falling in love. Holding hands, learning to sing to the radio, blowing out candles on a birthday cake - when you end a life you don't just take away the suffering. You take away the happiness, too.

It's suicidal logic. It's suicidal logic to claim its better to have never been born than to suffer.

In leftists eyes its always better killing someone. Pretty much sums up how those people think.

I know a family that aborted a child, and as a result their other born child grew up lonely and neglected. Abortions donot only impact the unborn.

Even if you're wanted, that doesn't spare you from the possibility of being abused (as I've suffered the same myself) life includes suffering of one form or the other. That doesn't mean that we should kill everyone so that they don't have to experience them. Suffering can develop character, endurance, and resillience and a drive to help others in the same situation. We should be helping each other through our suffering instead of resorting to killing each other.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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