Steve Sailer #racist #dunning-kruger

After all, as Ibram X. Kendi has taught us, the only conceivable scientific explanation for the lack of black accomplishment in science (e.g., zero hard science Nobels ever) must be white people’s systemic racism. Nice liberals used to assume that blacks would catch up soon, as the past recedes ever further into the past, but after a half-century of not just civil rights but also pro-black affirmative action, nobody anymore believes blacks will ever reach statistical equality with whites and Asians in science on their own merits. So, in 2021, the only remaining possible explanations are

That The Bell Curve was right, and we know that can’t possibly be true because we really don’t want it to be true,
Or that white bodies exude a mysterious miasma of systemic racism that subtly damages black bodies (and, presumably, black brains).
And even if whites somehow stopped exuding this racist miasma, all the miasma they exuded in the past would still be hovering around and, in fact, would only grow in potency in the future due to the newly discovered Law of Antiquarianism that states that events in the distant past have vastly more influence on the present than do recent events.

The revealed truths of Kendiism require that blacks not just be given even more affirmative action, but that society be rearranged so that racial commissars are employed everywhere to make sure that nothing hurts the racial self-esteem of the black race ever again.

You might think that employing a lot of relatively low brow racial commissars to oversee real scientists will retard the advance of science, such as genetics was destroyed in the Soviet Union for a generation by the imposition of anti-hereditarian Lysenkoism.

But do you really want to think that, ally?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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