Various commenters #wingnut


spoilerIt's time for us in the Florida
Legislature to call an emergency
legislative session & amend our laws
regarding federal agencies
Sever all ties with DOJ immediately
Any FBI agent conducting law
enforcement functions outside the
purview of our State should be
arrested upon sight

You might want to suggest that DeSantis close all Federal offices in the state. Just to let the feds know who they aren't.

Florida should impeach, if it can be done, the judge who signed search warrant in Mar-A-Lago .. I think it is time for states start closing FBI branches ...

@odund THAT'S the key--the governors and state legislatures immediately intervene to bridle federal agencies within their state. Requiring approval (through local state courts) and endorsement of state and local LE to execute ANY federal warrant or action (whether that be IRS, FBI, ATF, EPA, OSHA, or any alphabet-soup federal agency). And authorizing state and local LE to arrest agents who operate lawlessly like in the recent Trump FBI raid. I'd suggest everyone write and call their governors and state representatives to make this happen.

@txlady706 States need to step up and fight back with legislation.... make it illegal for Feds to operate in their jurisdiction...

@txlady706 never happen Florida's brave leader is beholden to the same people that run the federal gov.....

@txlady706 How about we sever ALL tied with the federal government completely. Wouldn't that be a more efficient option? After all, what do they do for you. We pay taxes and they tell us what they're gonna do. They're witches warlocks and ghouls. All of them, with few exceptions. We shouldn't be coerced into consent by these souless vipers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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