Actually demons. These are those inter dimensional entities.
Im actually going to Nigeria soon, this is were alot of these supernatural things happen. Ill gladly take you to show you some of them, but be warned,
theyre very ugly, you wont be able to sleep for a few weeks.
Over there they are quite used to it, alot of witchdoctors.
But in developed countries they lay low, to the point people think theyre fairytales.
"Over there they are quite used to it, alot of witchdoctors.
But in developed countries they lay low, to the point people think theyre fairytales."
Evangelical faith healers are (unfortunately) not fairytales.
No more supernatural things happen in Nigeria than the rest of the world.
Nigerians as a whole are far more superstitious, than even you fundies are, and so consequently a lot of people get burnt, tortured or burial alive by their neighbours, as they are believed to be 'witches' or 'demons'.
You are a throw back to a darker age.
Burn the witches, burn them.
"Im actually going to Nigeria soon, this is were alot of these supernatural things happen."
Oh, so that's where your psychiatrist told you they were taking you. I suspect your trip will be much shorter. Probably no further than the local loony bin.
"But in developed countries they lay low, to the point people think theyre fairytales."
Or maybe they *are* fairy tales, and only superstitious primitives believe them?
I have a lot of friends from Africa who have encountered similar stupidity from people who get all their "knowledge" of "The Dark Continent" from old Tarzan movies, circa 1935. They think everyone there lives in huts, wears bones through their noses, and have never heard of such things as electricity or automobiles. Sheesh!
If you're going to Nigeria, the biggest threat is being conned by high-tech scammers, not demons and witchdoctors.
Im actually going to Nigeria soon, this is were alot of these supernatural things happen.
Or you're going to a section that's less well-developed than other places and, as a consequence, myths, religion, and superstition are relied on for explanations rather than science.
"But in developed countries they lay low, to the point people think theyre fairytales"
Now why to do they do that? You ignorant fuck, please stay there and play medieval games with the country folk all you want. I'm sure even in Nigeria most people regard your kind as mentally ill and dangerously backward.
But in developed countries they lay low, to the point people think theyre fairytales.
Yeah.... Apparently elves and fairies are afraid of iron.
Actually demons.
Suddenly Seymour.
alot???? Don't you speak proper English?
And you want to go to Nigeria. Actually, Nigeria is where all those scam emails that my filters exorcise come from.
Mr Smith wrote:
"Yeah.... Apparently elves and fairies are afraid of iron."
Every vehicle on the road is a ... <gasp> ... IRON CHARIOT!
If Omnipotent Yahweh couldn't defeat iron chariots, what chance would plain old elves and fairies have?
By law he should be taken out and hung,
For the cold-blooded murder of the English tongue.
-- Prof. Henry Higgins, in My Fair Lady (1964), just slightly paraphrased.
The Nigerians have a word for you:
Oh, and good luck collecting that 10 million from Prince Mofungu...
"Actually demons. These are those inter dimensional entities."
Yeah, isn't "demon" just short for "demonsional traveler" (allowing for a slight variation in spelling)?
~David D.G.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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