Kajm #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com
Ghebreyesu's malfeasance goes back to early January, after China had already been covering up COVID-19 for at least a month. WHO had consistently parroted Chinese propaganda from that time forward. This timeline is helpful in explaining the China-WHO nexus.
How WHO & Tedros "led" the global effort against Coronavirus before it became a pandemic
Dec 31: 27 cases of pneumonia w/ unknown causes reported in Wuhan
China; "no evidence for human-to-human (h2h) transmission"
Jan 5: WHO; "no evidence of h2h discovered" , "does not recommend travel to China"
Jan 12: WHO; "no clear evidence for h2h"
Jan 14: WHO; "limited h2h" -> "maybe limited h2h" -> "no evidence for h2h"
Jan 15: WHO; "maybe limited h2h"
Jan 17: WHO; "does not recommend quarantine"
Jan 19: WHO; "no clear evidence for sustained h2h"
Jan 21: WHO; "maybe h2h"
Jan 23: WHO; "no evidence for h2h outside China"
Jan 27: WHO; "raise alert level"
Jan 28: WHO; "discourage repatriation from China"
"We have strong confidence for China's keeping control"
Jan 30: WHO; "till now, we have not seen deaths reported outside China, for which China deserves our gratitude and respect. China's transparency is protecting the world"
Feb 3: WHO; " there is no need to restrict travel in order to slow down the spread of the virus"
Mar 12: WHO; "this is a pandemic"
" WHO has been in full response mode"
"We have called for countries to take urgent and aggressive action"
"Deeply concerned by world leaders inaction"
Original and Explanation may be found HERE https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/04/as_whos_leader_makes_threats_about_body_bags_trump_pulls_funds.html
This timeline of WHO events shall also be appended to the Trump Response Timeline.