Let's hope the U.K. gets itself together.
I have to say this to the doom-and-gloomers. It's never too late. Average Progressive Brits need to unite and start a grassroots Progressive movement. You can change things for the better. Get crackin'!
Finally; The U.K. existed for years before the E.U. was even invented. Brexit may have messed up the economy but it's never too late to fix things. You're not going to turn into Somalia!
Shove that "British Pessimism" into the "rubbish bin" and put some effort into brainstorming and working for positive change.
One thing I noticed is that European countries can't do effective grassroots Progressive activism to save their life!
I have yet to see a big united Prog movement working hard to make things better, fight the wingnut tide, tackle both AntiSemitism and IslamoPhobia and....in Britain's case....deal with the Brexit mess.
....to think that Europeans are supposed to be better-educated and far less uptight than Americans! For once I actually see something where Americans are better than Europeans....since the Orange Bozo ended up in the White House we have been busting our butts to make things right. Protests, voting drives, running for public offices, an new grassroots Progressive Movement!
The Left in Europe, however, is either very disorganized, overly moonbatty, indifferent or just plain DERP!
What gives?
Maybe it's that European cynicism and pessimism. Perhaps you need some USA-style idealism....it ups the morale and gives you hope and that feeling of "can do"!
"We CAN make the world better!"
I also wonder if European Wingnuttery is less "Hitler is cool" and more misguided Progressivism....Perhaps you're weirded out by Muslims because they come from VERY Conservative cultures and can now vote and influence Europe into being less free-wheeling. Maybe the AntiSemitism is rooted in hating the Israeli Govt's hawkishness.
I have no idea what the European psyche is like. Perhaps all the stuff I assumed about them was just made up stereotypes.
I can understand the stupidity if it's Eastern Europe but Western Europe should be above this!
Where's your big united grassroots Progressive movements remedying all this? I want to know!