BlackCirce #moonbat #transphobia
RE: Gender Ideology and the belief in 'souls'
The reason why trans has spread so effectively is because it covers both bases. The divide is between thinking sex stereotypical behavior is learned or innate. Those who believe sex stereotypical behavior is innate are more likely to believe in genderism, regardless of spirituality.
For people who are prone to believing in dualism there is the idea of “gender identity” which is essentially a soul or private mental state that dictates behavior and makes one truly the opposite sex.
But science minded people don’t have to buy that if they don’t want to. Many, if not most, atheists already believe in sexed brains. From there it’s just a short step to believing in utero cross sex hormonal exposures cause some male fetuses to have female brains and vice versa.
The people most resistant to the ideology are people who are social constructionists who believe sex stereotypical behavior is learned. That group includes most radical feminists and many social conservatives. That’s what causes the strange bedfellows affect.