Proud_Truth #sexist #conspiracy
An even worse blackpill is realizing that as much as we like to kid ourselves, we’re only marginally smarter than foids. (On average) At the end of the day we’re ALL just retarded apes, slaves to our base instincts
Holy shit, here comes the awful userbase to tell everyone that women are just as smart as men, only this time it’s “we’re all as dumb as each other.” No, we’re not. Men created philosophy, men sent us to the moon. Don’t project your own idiocy onto everyone…just because women seem as smartish to you doesn’t mean anything…it’s all relative…
Braincels is controlled opposition to make you hate yourself rather than the selfish slutty superficial women who don’t give you a chance to be a human being because of the way your body will always look. We certainly DID evolve to be intelligent. It’s our greatest trait. Babies are born with small heads specifically because they can’t get the large human brain through a vaginal canal otherwise. What the fuck is this shit? Yes, user, you ARE an idiot, as are most people on here, but that’s YOU, so OF COURSE women seem “similarly stupid” to you.