Atheists have the freedom to not believe, but they do not have a right to do so. Only truth has rights. Big difference.
But in this world, religious truth is subjective. Therefore you are saying that rights are subjective. What if I declare that Islam is the "truth," do I get to restrict your rights to pray?
Maybe in the next world, truth is absolute, but we aren't in the next world yet. And for your sake, I hope you're right. Because if the first stop in the afterlife is, oh, say, a 7 AM meeting with Shiva, I don't think she's gonna be too pleased with you.
But wouldn't taking away our right to, take away our freedom to, which would conflict with your first statement. Ohhh I get it, I think he's trying to make a profound statement about the bible's inherent contradictions.
Only truth has rights.
Then you don't.
The freedom of religion guaranteed by the Constitution does not have an implied qualifier of " ... as long as it's my religion."
"Atheists have the freedom to not believe,"
That's absolutely right, Tyrone.
"but they do not have a right to do so."
That's absolutely wrong, Tyrone. No matter what country one is in, one has the right to think what every one wants. One may not always have the freedom to express one's thoughts, but one always has a right to them.
"Only truth has rights."
That's not true. You have the right to propound your mindless twaddle.
"Big difference."
Indeed, but you still don't see it.
I have the FREEDOM to swing my fist all I please, but I do not have the RIGHT to let it smack you in the face (darn it!).
You have the FREEDOM to believe whatever the heck you like, but you do not have the RIGHT to force that belief on anybody .
I will be shocked if this post does not at least get Post of the Month status!
~David D.G.
Let me tell you something, what´s truth?, as Pilate said. Everybody has the right, yes, you hear well, the right to accept whatever ideology they think. All religions think they are the truth, so, what truth is "the truth" anyway?, in Spain in the 50's, for example, it would be Catholicism, and in far worse conditions than this one. So, do unto others what you want the others do to you.
I have the freedom and the right to say, GO FUCK YOURSELF, you stupid fundie asshole.
Do you also realize that Christianity gives you neither the right OR the freedom to not believe? Of course not! Or you'll burn in hell!
One has the "freedom" but not the "right"? WTF?
Oh, and if only "truth" has rights, then it should follow that you do not simple have the right to declare your religion "truth".
Dude, if you wanted to you have the right to go up to random strangers that your nipples speek to you. It's not true, I hope, but you've got the right to do it.
Granted, between that and this delusional sky pixy thing you'd probably be institutionalized.
Freedom of religion, bitch!
Rights and freedoms kinda go together, stupid.
Well, assume that these weirdos really seize power, and turn the country into a theocratic nightmare.
The only effect would be that all atheists and "religious indifferent" would either a) leave the country b) perhaps even take up armed resistance or c) (the majority) would become hypocrites out of self-defence. And d) moderate faithful would start to lose their faith when they see the madness of a theocracy.
There is another theocracy in the world where exactly a), c) and d) is happening: Iran.
The really smart Iranians with highly valued professional skills are trying to leave the country at all costs.
The Iranians who are in the country are very, very seldom religious nutjobs. The majority withdraw into their private lives, are doing in public only what is expected from them, and are privately joking about the pompous and ridiculous mullahs.
And exactly the same will happen should the "Christian Taliban" seize power. They would only generate a nation of self-defending hypocrites.
"TyroneTHardball451", so you are saying that unbelief is a Thoughtcrime?
And what do you want to do to enforce this obligatory faith? Send in the Thought Police?
"Only truth has rights. Big difference"
Yeah. Well, your 'Truth' got royally raped to death in late 2005 in Kitzmiller vs. Dover. Despite the best attempts of the likes of Michael Behe, his 'Intelligent Design' case got shot to shit by the decision of one Judge John E. Jones III. A Christian Conservative himself.
Thus your 'Truth' (i.e. 'Creationism') doesn't have the right to exist in the US's mainstream, accredited educational system. As opposed to, say, 'hoemskuling'.
Big difference.
...and no, I don't want fries with that, Mr...
(*looks at name badge *)
...TyroneTSofthead.451. (0 .451 = your IQ)
Meanwhile your Constitution (which ensures your precious 'I.D.'/Creationism will stay exactly that: raped to death ) guarantees Freedom of worship. Which, by definition, includes the Freedom, nay, the right to not worship.
Deal with it.
Figures on a Baptist board.
Those people are really stupid.
“The problem with Baptists [Southern] is that when they baptize them, they don’t hold them under the water long enough
..” Sadly, the man who said that was shot in the back where the suspenders crossed by a Southern Baptist in Waco, Texas.
1: you fail at human rights
2: you fail at 'truth'
3: you fail at being tolerant
4: you fail at being logic.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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