Licensedtoshill007 #transphobia #wingnut

REMINDER: Transgender day of Remembrance is bullshit LLP

It's just a bunch of self centered, egotistical assholes trying to co-opt Remembrance Day for themselves. Remembrance Day is where we remember actual heros that gave their lives for our country and those who served it.

Tranny day of remembrance is supposed to be the same thing because a bunch of selfish assholes who were so desperate for attention they pretend to be another gender often kill themselves. That's a far cry from giving your lives so others may live. I honestly couldn't give two fucks if more trannies kill themselves than normal people, they could easily decide to stop being so self centered and act normal but choose not to.

Fuck these SJW for trying to steal something that belongs to the troops and the vets and make it about themselves.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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