Jacob Harrison #wingnut #fundie fandom-fanon.fandom.com

A very important announcement

I previously used an account with the username UltraCatholicAngloAmerican. As shown in my article on the Restored Holy Roman Empire, in spite of the Catholic Church’s canonization of Joan of Arc, I reconciled my Catholicism with my American English nationalism by saying that God chose Joan of Arc to save France because the vacancy of the English throne after the overthrow of Richard II made their claims to the French throne vacant.

But then I did more research. Poor Innocent VIII issued a bull ordering the English to be loyal to the House of Tudor and later Popes recognized the Jacobite heirs of the House of Stuart. So I realized that in order to reconcile my theory of the vacancy of the English throne, I had to modify the story to solve the succession dispute by having a restored English parliament based on the legal system of 1399 elect the Jacobite heir king, restoring the legal system of 1688. Then the English would pass an act declaring themselves a vassal kingdom to Emperor Michael.

But if the theory of the vacancy is open to human interpretation and not a direct order by God, I realized that there must be another reason why God chose Joan of Arc. I thought that perhaps Henry V of England rejected a reasonable offer of peace. After all, the so called Hundred Years War was not really a continuous war, but actually 3 different wars. In 1360 in the Treaty of Brétigny, Edward III renounced his claim to the French throne in exchange for receiving the Duchy of Aquitaine in full English sovereignty. When there were later dispute that caused France to violate the treaty in 1369, he resumed his claim to the French throne. The second war lasted until 1389 when there was a truce which was broken due to conflicts in the 1400s.

But I did research and realized that during the negotiations of 1414, while the French offered an enlarged Aquitaine, they only offered it as a fief instead of in full sovereignty under the terms of the Treaty of Brétigny. Therefore, Henry V was justified in his invasion of France.

In the Treaty of Troyes in 1420, Charles VI agreed to disinherit his son, the Dauphin Charles, and made Henry V his heir. Henry V died before Charles VI causing Henry VI of England to succeed Charles VI as King of France. But the disinherited Dauphin rejected and claimed the throne as Charles VII.

Now I realize that Joan of Arc who helped Charles VII overthrow Henry VI, was a witch. I hope that she repented at the last moment of her life when she was burning.

I am therefore now an Anglican who also adheres to common American Protestant beliefs and believes that the King James Bible is the true English translation. I am now a Jacobite who wants to restore the rightful heirs of James II to the thrones of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France since they are the rightful heirs to both the Houses of Lancaster and York. Yes he was Catholic but that was before the Church canonized Joan of Arc. He was illegally overthrown.

In 1782, the Jacobite heir Charles Edward Stuart declined an offer from Americans to become King of America, therefore legally recognizing the United States as a Republic. https://www.scotclans.com/charles-edward-stewart-king-america/

However, all the other territories that were part of the British Empire prior to 1688 are rightful territories of the Jacobite heirs since the Jacobite heirs did not recognize the independence of those territories. That includes parts of Canada, Bermuda, parts of the West Indies, parts of the East Indies, parts of India, the Gambia River in Africa, and St Helena.

The Jacobite heirs must also be restored with the royal powers the House of Stuart had before James II was overthrown. Back then the monarchs could legally dissolve parliament at will and rule by decree. There were only partial limits to their power such as in the Magna Carta.

You may say “The Jacobite heirs have not pursued their claim to the throne so why bother trying to restore them. Don’t they have the authority to abdicate?”

But by the time of the House of Tudor, it became a custom that the monarch could only change the laws of succession through the consent of parliament. So even if Franz Duke of Bavaria abdicates, he cannot alter the succession of his heirs by primogeniture without parliament. The youngest Jacobite heir by primogeniture is Prince Joseph Wenzel of Lichtenstein so Joseph’s descendants must be put on the throne. I will only accept the House of Windsor if one of Joseph’s descendants gives royal assent to an act of the parliaments of England, Scotland, and Ireland that changes the succession.

Since I am now an Anglican American, I will have to modify my story to be more in line with what American Protestants know about of the end times. I believe that the true monarch of Britain will be raptured along with other believers and then return with a new body after the Tribulation to rule Britain, Ireland, and France during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ until the final battle and making of the New Heaven and New Earth.

I will preserve the plot of a resurrected Nero, and the events in the final chapters where I resist Miralia Casteler’s sexual temptation and cause her to repent. I may need to borrow more elements from Niam’s version to help with the plot overhaul.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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