RE: Why do so many TRAs write in that condescending, over-enthusiastic, transplaining style?
IMO because they're true believers acting as missionaries and they don't want an honest debate, they want to convert the heathens. The possibility that they could be wrong, that the "heathens" might have a good point, their ego won't stand for it; their sense of conviction comes solely from the assumption that any deviation from their beliefs must be due to us not understanding them (or possibly being Evil Bigots (TM)). So they'll speak slower and use simpler words, until they can successfully "educate" (read: re-educate/proselytize) us into their way of thinking. And keep it perky sounding like talking to a small, slow, upset child, because HOW ARE YOU NOT AGREEING WITH ME YET? Trying to convert other people inherently comes from a place of condescension, because it assumes you have The Truth and they don't. And some people are more susceptible to condescension as a tool than others; it helps to be fairly confident in your own intelligence and critical thinking skills to be able to recognize a fool when you see one, not be dazzled by credentials.
Also, this ideology is pretty painfully stupid and it disintegrates rapidly when you try to have an actual adult discussion on it instead of a Twitter-esque slapfight (see: the unfolding Maya Forstater tribunal debacle). It is utterly dependent upon child logic that is never held to task to actually CLARIFY what they mean when they are asked to define a woman or say things like "sometimes someone has a woman's brain in a man's body, except because transwomen ARE women it's really a woman's body, and it's not a mental illness or a disorder, just an identity, but if you don't pay for this elective cosmetic surgery and hormone treatment they will literally DIE BY SUICIDE...unless they don't feel like getting it, and that's valid too, and no one's saying that sex isn't real but penises and sperm can be female and clownfish and intersex disorders exist and...."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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