Various Commenters #racist #sexist #psycho
RE: Forced Contraception for Vulnerable Women Would Prevent Child Abuse, Say Experts
(Rich at Large)
Women who have problems with addiction, mental health or learning difficulties should be given compulsory contraception, a group of child protection experts has said. The advisory group, whose members include a former family judge and ex-VVD party senator Heleen Dupuis, said the measure was intended to prevent child abuse by mothers who were unable to cope with raising them.
Sterilization of ghetto women is the only real solution. Since we don't do that stuff, the next best is providing financial incentives to them to not have, instead of to have, babies. They can choose to have babies, but with the understanding that no one else is going to pay to raise them.
(Robert Kelly)
Since it will "disproportionately affect" certain groups of women over others, it will be branded as racist and never get any traction
(America first)
How many white woman will this effect, surly somebody is going to cry racism and say it’s eugenics.
The majority of child abuse is by their own mothers. The largest group of peadophiles is also women. So much so the law even recognises it, and even says they are immune for crimes of a pedophillic nature, as it is so common amongst them. Women abuse women at a much higher rate than men. And women abuse children at a much higher rate than men. Women also make up the majority of terrorists too throughout history if you care to check. There was a reason they where never allowed to be a mans equal. Many reasons in fact.