TwoXChromosomes , Radical_Phoenix & shewolfoffrance #transphobia

Acknowledging biological reality is just like the CIA doing a Gitmo


TranscriptTERFs Are Drawing on the Same Fascist Arguments as torture Advocates: Bigoted attacks on trans participants in sports and access to bathrooms outrageously rely on “ticking bomb” rhetoric.

( TwoXChromosomes )
Yes, but in this case the "ticking bomb" has already gone off. Repeatedly. And too many women and girls have already been raped by TiMs in bathrooms, and TiMs have already started dominating women's sports.

And such an ominous first line in the article!

"On both sides of the Atlantic, anti-trans hatred is gaining momentum."

Yes, because these fuckheads have defined "anti-trans hatred" as doing anything but enthusiastically giving them everything they want with a smile on your face, while calling them stunning and brave, and offering to have sex with them.

And how is it that a "genocide victim" was able to write this after being genocided? Quick someone call the Ghostbusters, they've gotta get on this!

"Crucially, it (The ticking bomb scenario) works through a form of emotionally loaded misdirection."

Emotionally loaded misdirection you say? Like saying "Do you want a dead son or a living daughter?" Or saying "You child WILL kill themself if you don't immediately affirm their gender identity?"

These people are disgusting, but we already knew that. Now that society at large is waking up to the excesses of the trans cult, you can expect them to get even more unhinged and violent as the pushback inevitably continues.

( Radical_Phoenix )
I think the only torture advocates here are the trans and their doctors.

( shewolfoffrance )
Is the "ticking bomb" males abusing women, and taking spaces and resources intended for women? Because several of those "bombs" have gone off without a peep from good liberals.

The "torture" is just women wanting to be left alone.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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