Rivka Levy #fundie breslev.co.il

In the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (or Abridged Code of Jewish Law), it's written: "One who spills seed not only commits a major sin, but also places himself in a state of excommunication. It is considered as if he kills a person."

Why? Because he 'killed' the spiritual potentials of billions of souls, who are now trapped by the forces of evil.

Sexual impurity is a very big reason that people feel 'disconnected' from themselves and from G-d and from good, because the evil forces that are created from 'spilled seed' attach to a person at the level of daat, (which is represented by the neck) which is the 'bridge' where the physical meets the spiritual. It's like pulling the plug from the socket - disconnecting the soul from holiness.

To put it another way, these evil forces punish the people who created them by blocking G-d out at the level of the neck, cutting them off from any 'higher' spiritual concept of G-d, or emuna. These people are then only alive 'from the neck down', and live lives of unbridled physicality and materialism, cut off from any connection to their soul, or higher self.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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