Evolution is a glorified fairy tale to teach us that there are no absolute morals. How's it feel to be an accident with no purpose? You might as well kill yourself, you are already dead. At least that's what you do when you accept such a fairy tale that is void of any absolute morality. You kill who you are as a fellow human being.
That makes no kind of sense whatsoever.
Does god provide an absolute morality? Oh, he does? Then why do we consider it immoral to keep slaves? I mean, it's right there in the bible. It even gives you instructions about keeping, selling and trading your slaves. Is this the absolute morality you want to cleave to?
Or maybe, just maybe, morality changes, based on the society we live in and the ideas available to it. Almost like it's not absolute at all.
What a wanker.
You missed so many points, I hardly know where to begin. First, evolution is a theory of biology. It is not a statement of ethics.
Speaking personally, I do have a purpose. It involves caring for my family and being a productive member of my community. It has nothing to do with your god.
No, I am not already dead, and I have no intention of killing myself. I realize that your lot are very annoyed that you can no longer legally kill heretics and blasphemers. Still, encouraging us to commit suicide is pretty weenie.
If a God didn't create you, you're useless? That's YOUR hangup and illogical conclusion.
People with their own minds find multiple reasons and self-imposed directives for their lifes meaning.
Damn near the definition of evolutionary desire to live (to eat, to protect ourselves, to be connected to family, to mate, to reproduce)
There is no absolute morality only predominate-localized moralities. What we are is what we are, what society makes us may be acting.
I have no intention of killing myself, simply because I don't need bullshit fairytales to lend meaning and "morality" to my life.
The only thing I "killed" was my belief in invisible sky creatures. And if I am "an accident with no purpose" - so what? Life's a lottery, I can live with that. Cluttering my mind with horseshit, that I can live a "moral" life without.
Evolution teaches nothing at all about morals. It's just biology, adaptation to a changing environment.
Plus, it's pretty mundane, not glorified at all.
Accidents with no purpose goes against evolution. Only lifeforms that have some kind of purpose continue to procreate.
Killing must be agains most morals, right? Why do you advocate such an immoral thing?
If the Bible is the absolute moral; should a man marry his brother's widow or not?
The only absolute morality is the basic rules somehow understood by all humans, i.e., don't lie, steal, murder, cheat, commit adultery, etc., etc., not a crazy book that tells us all those are permissible if you do them to unbelievers.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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