based_meme #sexist

RE: [Serious] My boss is a hateful incel. What should I do?

This needs a ragefuel tag as well, because holy fuck, I'm about to punch a hole in a wall.

Imagine some random roastie in your workplace "accusing" you of being "an incel", bringing that up with HR, then contacting a lawyer.

Imagine having your life and livelihood ruined, because some degenerate cunt that works in the same company or department as you doesn't like your face.

Imagine having to face civil litigation because of this.



Saying you are an incel is like saying you are a terrorist

For real. You're joking, but in some countries like Canada (man, they're so fucking cucked, I feel bad for brocels there) "incel" is classified as a terrorist and any violent crime committed by somebody identified as "incel" (air quotes, because it means what the media narrative wants it to mean) is categorized as terrorism and they can get terror charges on their rap sheet.

Imagine getting into a fight there as an ugly subhuman defending yourself, committing manslaughter because you knocked out the asshole and he cracked his skull as he fell to the pavement, and then going to jail for TERRORISM because the police sifted through your online activity and discovered that you posted misogynistic things on the internet and offended some landwhale on reddit.

Imagine wagecucking as a maplesyrupcel (wtf do we call them... Americans are burgercels... so... croissantcel? poutinecel? whatever) for a whole year to save up for a vacation to somewhere nice where you can relax and cope in peace, only to have a special forces unit tailing you, because you've been designated as a terror target who could commit attacks against m'ladies at any moment. This sounds absolutely ridiculous, like something straight out of Team America World Police, but nothing in this gay earth surprises me anymore.

The Absolute State of Western Civilization.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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